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1 Jul 10, 2016 23:56    

Using v6.7.4-stable. Example URL: - first inline image.

Output: - Correct image display, but incorrect text display.
Input: - If on a new line, <p> tags push image between paragraphs, incorrect image display.

Note: The class .w300 sets the image width to 300px, nothing else. The .floatleft class has been modified for use inside the <article> tag to include margins around the images, to prevent text from being right up against it.

Using the Bootstrap blog skin copied to a new custom skin (per tutorial in the manual).

[Bug] Inserting [image] in content breaks text out of paragraph tags
[Bug] Inserting [image] in content breaks text out of paragraph tags

2 Jul 12, 2016 02:02

Before getting into detail, can you please show me what happens if your put the [image:] tag on a line of it's own? For me it does display correctly.

Now, the issue when you put [image:] inside a paragraph is that it generates HTML code that has a <div> inside of a <p>. I think the browser doesn't like that and reorganizes things. (What browser are you using?)

I am not sure how to best fix this. Ideally b2evo should move the div out of the <p> before the browser does it (incorrectly). But if you say that would not display correctly for you either, it's a problem.

3 Jul 12, 2016 03:35

Putting the [image] tag on a new line actually displays it correctly with the combination of the default .float styles and the sizing style I added. Might be much ado but figured that I'd mention it. The link provided before now shows the image tag entered on a new line.

4 Jul 12, 2016 14:43

Ok, would you agree that it would be a good fix if b2evo treated an [image:] tag that is inside a paragraph as if it was just before the paragraph?

5 Jul 12, 2016 18:32

Definitely. Looking at the markup of a smaller image inside a body of text, it's rare (benefit of the doubt, I've never seen it) that the image should be in the middle of the paragraph. Even at the end is more of a mistake, aiming for the beginning of the next paragraph.

Then again, the HTML 5 section of the manual says that any images attached to posts or comments are wrapped in a <figure> tag. This isn't true for inline images, but maybe it should be? Semantically speaking, browsers would have no issue displaying a <figure> inside a <p>, like it does with a <div> in a <p>. Whether that will validate, idk. But might be the answer for this. The skin would then just need to inline-block any <figure> inside the post body (would exclude covers and teasers, for example) and any float classes added would set the alignment.

What do you think?

7 Jul 12, 2016 20:53

Then perhaps it should just be an <img> tag. <div>, <figure>, <img>... all the same from the CMS's view, only changes what's done in skins.

And if I'm not mistaken (don't quote me), responsive images markup is only allowed inside the <img> tag.

8 Jul 12, 2016 23:11

No, we do want a div or figure to encapsulate in order to have a caption that is below the img tag.

Any way can be made responsive (RWD). RWD only breaks if we want to force a specific pixel size on the img that is not allowed to change depending on device resolution.

9 Jul 12, 2016 23:51

No, I mean the new responsive images, not just RWD. See screenshot from W3Schools:

And I was wrong, it's the <picture> tag that's most semantic with responsive images. Speaking of future-proof, that's probably the way to go, and might solve the issue of this thread as well.

10 Jul 13, 2016 00:39

No, I mean the new responsive images, not just RWD. See screenshot from W3Schools:

Yes I really have this in mind. Works also with a div around it. There is also a syntax that works like this btw: <img srcset="...most of stuff picture can do">

We may end up using <picture> indeed but it still doesn't solve the problem: we need to be able to put a caption under the picture. And for that we need to encapsulate the whole thing into something, and the most semantically correct is <figure> and then <div>.

Just to be clear: I am speaking about a <figure> and a <picture> inside of it ... plus a caption.

11 Jul 13, 2016 03:14

I see the problem. I'm not accounting for captions. Will have to do some testing on what works best. tbh I haven't played with responsive images (it's just included in WP the last couple of versions).

12 Jul 21, 2016 01:54

Quick info: we have started to work on having a preview of [image:...] tags inside of the WYSIWYG (TinyMCE) editor.

13 Jul 21, 2016 03:29

Awesome news. Thanks for the update.

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