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1 Oct 01, 2007 00:08    

I have upgraded a 1.1.x blog to 2.0.1 on a local web server (before propagating the change), it I've gotta tell you this looks like an awesome release.

One thing I'm battling with is this error: "Unhandled LIMITING mode in ItemList:all (paged mode is obsolete)"

This appears when clicking on a pagination link, built with:

$MainList->page_links( '', '', '$prev$ :: $next$', array(
'prev_text' => '<< '.T_('Previous Page'),
'next_text' => T_('Next Page').' >>',
) );

For example, the URL built for next page (being at page 1) is:


If you take out the parameter unit=all from that URL, everything works as it should:


That made me thought that it was possibly an issue with filters. So just before the first call to page_links() in my skin, i added the following:

$MainList->set_filters(array('unit' => 'posts'));

And the paging is now working, though it doesn't recognize the current page.

Anyone else seeing this?

3 Oct 01, 2007 21:20

The fix from that post, that is, editing inc/items/model/_itemslistlight.class.php and changing (line 1069) from:

elseif( $this->filters['unit'] == 'posts' )


elseif( $this->filters['unit'] == 'posts' || $this->filters['unit'] == 'all' )

Makes the message:

Sorry, there is nothing to display...

appear when you hit next page, even if there are posts.

4 Oct 12, 2007 16:51

I encounter the same error when I logout. I got this error.

Additional information about this error:
Unhandled LIMITING mode in ItemList:all (paged mode is obsolete)

Could someone help me?

5 Oct 18, 2007 06:03

For anyone else who's interested, this issue has been solved in Millenium (2.0.2) by using the following statement to bring up the pagination links instead of what was used in 2.0.1:

// Links to list pages:
mainlist_page_links( array(
'block_start' => '',
'block_end' => '',
'prev_text' => '<< '.T_('Previous Page'),
'next_text' => T_('Next Page').' >>'
) );

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