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1 Feb 05, 2008 18:47    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I'm trying to manually change the blog title and subtitle to be the same for all the pages, but allowing the different title names to appear on the side bar.

I figure the best way to do this is to change all the headings appropriately, then go in and simply force the title at the top to be the same. Can someone please tell me how to do this? I went into _main.php but I can't figure it out.

Also, where exactly should I put the code for a favicon?

2 Feb 05, 2008 18:59

Got link?

The blog title and tagline things can be set in the back office for each blog. Depending on what skin you have, your blog title and the title in the sidebar can be different by using either long title or short title, so again you might be able to do it in the back office. IF the top part and the sidebar are both showing the same bits you can edit _main.php to use title in one place and short title in the other, but I don't have a file handy to show as an example.

Your favicon code would go in _main.php somewhere up near the top before the closing </head> tag.

3 Feb 05, 2008 20:09

Thank you very much!

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