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1 Feb 16, 2008 22:36    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4

How can i have one (the first) post on top of my blog, and the following by when the post was created (newest on top, but under the first post)?

Thanks B)

4 Feb 19, 2008 16:53

Can't figure anything out from those posts... but i've looked around in b2 2.4 and seen that the posts has different priority... (all regular posts is priority 3). Does anyone know how to change priority of a post?

5 Feb 19, 2008 17:01

You need to allow advanced settings in your blog settings ( forget which tab sorry ), but you'll end up having to do exactly the same as the post I linked to to make the priorities take effect as they're meant for workflows


6 Feb 19, 2008 17:16

But... is it possible to add widgets in body? like adding "long discription of blog" in body (main) and write the welcome message there?

7 Feb 19, 2008 17:21

yeah sure, you can add a widget absolutely anywhere you have a container, and I have it on reliable authority that Afwas is writing a tutorial about adding containers to skins.


It'd be at the top of every page of your blog as opposed to just on the home page which is what the method discussed in that post would do.


8 Feb 19, 2008 17:27

sorry for being incompetent with this forums serach.. but i can't seem to find Afwas tutorial :(

9 Feb 19, 2008 17:30

Ahhh, he hasn't written it yet, he just mentioned in another post earlier today. I'll nudge him ;)


10 Feb 19, 2008 17:34


I've found some of the code that i think is ment to put there:

		// ------------------------- "Menu" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
		// Display container and contents:
		skin_container( NT_('Menu'), array(
				// The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
				'block_start' => '',
				'block_end' => '',
				'block_display_title' => false,
				'list_start' => '',
				'list_end' => '',
				'item_start' => '<li>',
				'item_end' => '</li>',
			) );
		// ----------------------------- END OF "Menu" CONTAINER -----------------------------

It may be that i just have to change something here, I'll try a little "try, fail, learn"

12 Feb 19, 2008 17:37

ok, all you need to put in your skin is the above code whereveryou want the new container to be, after changing the Menu text to something unique and informative.

Then you need to goto admin > global settings > install skins ... and hit "reload skins"

From then on your container will be available ;)


13 Feb 19, 2008 17:50

Thanks!!! got it working now! Changed menu to main:p

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