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1 Apr 11, 2008 14:11    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

I made the upgrade to 2.4.1 and all seems well except the post that come up first have a long blank section that forces the footer to come below the sidebar items.

Any ideas as to what I am missing?

It has to be a footer issue, but css have never been my strong suite.

Thanks JBL

2 Apr 11, 2008 14:35

I think that skin, or at least the right side panel is he issue.

Your blank post is blank down to the end of the right sidebar column named div id: extras

3 Apr 11, 2008 14:45

This is puzzling, but I came to the same conclusion as John. Try without the FreeHtml widget containing the Bravenet comic thing.

Good luck

4 Apr 11, 2008 14:54

I would agree, but once I made the upgrade there was nothing in the right sidebar only a few items by default and the post footer stays below whatever items are in the side bar.

Perhaps the footer padding or width? If so that is set in what sheet?

5 Apr 11, 2008 14:58

There are two errors:

Error in parsing value for property 'width'.  Declaration dropped.
Line 35


missing ; before statement
Line 79

So the flickr thing may be the problem. Do check the other error as well.

Good luck

6 Apr 11, 2008 15:22

Thanks, but the property width is set so my title is at the correct length till I can play with the % setting,

I have removed ALL widget and the post footer comes up, but I have to remove all sidebar items to get the bar to follow the post without a blank space, and of course that is not practical.

Could the padding on the footer post, or the footer width be the problem?

7 Apr 11, 2008 15:31

woodman3 wrote:

Could the padding on the footer post, or the footer width be the problem?

Yes and even likely so, but I didn't find an error there.
You can try reducing the width for .bSmallPrint in the stylesheet.

God luck

8 Apr 11, 2008 15:35

bSmallPrint, div.bCommentSmallPrint {style.css (line 236)
background:#F4F4F4 none repeat scroll 0%;
border-left:4px solid #CCCCCC;

Remove the clear:right ;)


9 Apr 11, 2008 16:12

Thought the issue was resolved and it is with the footer but now any images within a post have collapsed.


If I remove the clear right the images disapear, but something else must be affecting them because they were there yesterday...?

11 Apr 11, 2008 16:41

Actually I am using FF but IE shows a placeholder, but FF does not, it just shows a small gray spot.

Fix one and I think the other will work out since I had it up on both platforms yesterday.

12 Apr 11, 2008 16:47

Could it be that i am trying to force and image into a 21px box?

<span title="div .image_block 448x21" class="webdeveloper-display-block-size" style="left: 294px; position: absolute; top: 667px;">div .image_block 448x21</span>

13 Apr 11, 2008 16:55

this code does nothing, apart from displaying the three >>> after the image.
Something is wrong with the url. Check that one.
img src="/blog/media/blogs/Home%20Interest/Penn_police.gif"

14 Apr 11, 2008 17:25

Strangest thing, my media directory was subtitled evo_cache and would not allow b2 to point to it. Deleted the folders, uploaded my backup media and voila!

All is well for now. Thanks to every one for their help!

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