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1 Apr 15, 2008 21:24    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I would like to modify the content of the automatically generated email that is sent to users each time I add a new post/comment. How do I do this?

Running 2.4.1


2 Apr 16, 2008 09:26

You'd need to hack the core files /inc/items/model/_item.class.php approx 2989

		// Send emails:
		$cache_by_locale = array();
		foreach( $notify_array as $notify_email => $notify_locale )
			if( ! isset($cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]) )
			{ // No message for this locale generated yet:

				// Calculate length for str_pad to align labels:
				$pad_len = max( strlen(T_('Blog')), strlen(T_('Author')), strlen(T_('Title')), strlen(T_('Url')), strlen(T_('Content')) );

				$cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]['subject'] = sprintf( T_('[%s] New post: "%s"'), $edited_Blog->get('shortname'), $this->get('title') );

				$cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]['message'] =
					str_pad( T_('Blog'), $pad_len ).': '.$edited_Blog->get('shortname')
					.' ( '.str_replace('&', '&', $edited_Blog->gen_blogurl())." )\n"

					.str_pad( T_('Author'), $pad_len ).': '.$this->creator_User->get('preferredname').' ('.$this->creator_User->get('login').")\n"

					.str_pad( T_('Title'), $pad_len ).': '.$this->get('title')."\n"

					// linked URL or "-" if empty:
					.str_pad( T_('Url'), $pad_len ).': '.( empty( $this->url ) ? '-' : str_replace('&', '&', $this->get('url')) )."\n"

					.str_pad( T_('Content'), $pad_len ).': '
						// TODO: We MAY want to force a short URL and avoid it to wrap on a new line in the mail which may prevent people from clicking
						// TODO: might get moved onto a single line, at the end of the content..
						.str_replace('&', '&', $this->get_permanent_url())."\n\n"


					// Footer:
					."\n-- \n"
					.T_('Edit/Delete').': '.$admin_url.'?ctrl=items&blog='.$this->blog_ID.'&p='.$this->ID."\n\n"

					.T_('Edit your subscriptions/notifications').': '.str_replace('&', '&', url_add_param( $edited_Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp=subs' ) )."\n";



3 Apr 16, 2008 19:11

Cool Thanks. So I basically want to remove the text of the blog post out of the email, because people are just reading the email and not going to the blog.

Do I just remove this line?:


4 Apr 16, 2008 19:17

From a brief glance ... yes ;)


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