Recent Topics

1 Apr 18, 2009 15:45    

On top of each post is the date, the time and post's categories.
Since time and categories are not relevant for my own blog, I'd like to get rid of them.

Where shall I look at?

2 Apr 18, 2009 21:39

What skin are you using, also, what version do you have installed?

3 Apr 18, 2009 22:08

Version is 2.4.6
Skin is extreme_sports.

A few more questions:

When I create a new PAGE, its addded as a new menu-item. And I don't want that. Where can I get rid of the function?

(Instead I'm planning to create a <UL> of the pages I want to show to readers, and add that within the sidebar, using the HTML plugin.)
I've set a specific style for links (color, bg-color, no underline...) in my blog.
But the sidebar links doesn't behave the same way, nor does the post title...

I've tried to edit the skin's style.css all this morning, with various results, but not really good.
For sake of consistency, I need the very same color and decoration for all links in the blogs.

Is there a way to definitely override the skin's link behavior within the css?

Thanks for helping!

4 Apr 18, 2009 22:25

All I see on that skin is a Date Graphic.. no Time or Category.

I'll leave it to Tilqicom, the skins creator, to help get you sorted

5 Apr 18, 2009 22:30

"When I create a new PAGE, its addded as a new menu-item. And I don't want that. Where can I get rid of the function? "

Found it!

The page_list widget was added to the main menu. Instead I added it to the Sidebar, and voilĂ !

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