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1 Oct 16, 2011 14:05    

Dear Sirs,
I try contact the but my mail was refused.
I'm installing a blog for portuguese comunity. In that case I'm using multi blog style with 11 blogs.
I want have your skin adapted for becose now look as you could see here:
I want the blog titles as you could show on the other blogs not well shown on the menu links:

-country Name on right
-Flag country on right
-Logo on left
-change the pink color for the flag country colors on the country blogs.

Also I want on the first blog who has the blogs from the others, in front of views, not the flag language but the country flags according of the origin of the post. IE: if the post becomes from the blog ANGOLA must have the angola flag and not portuguese flag as you see now.
Thanks for your kind attention.

2 Oct 21, 2011 18:17

The entrance blog is "Início" is an "aggregated blog" which collects posts from all other blogs.

On this main blog - "Inicio" nobody can publish becose this blog is the entrance and show the posts from the others.

The posts on this bog must show the flag corresponding to the country where the post was writed and not, (like now), the regional choice who is the language for every blog. Independent of the language who is the some, each country has diferent flag and is the country flag that I want on each blog that apear on "Inicio" blog.
We have:
Blog 1 - Início
Blog 2 - Anedotas (Jogs)
Blog 4- Fotoblog
Blog 5- Angola
Blog 6- Brasil
Blog 7- Cabo verde
etc. etc.
according with the menu as we read.
I mean if the post comes from Blog 5 (angola) show a Angola flag and so on.

May be, the Geo flag from the origin post country or from user register country becose like that we solve the problem on the ANEDOTAS and FOTOBLOG blogs where all countries could put posts.

2- I want change the style.php to include the logo "ElesComemTudo" as we could see on some other blog.
3 - Put on right side the lCPLP flag that we see on head at left down as I have on other blogs the country flag. The existing flags on the blogs where positioned trough widget (image blog/logo). In resume I want see the head of purple skin as I see on the others.

Thats all what I want.
I thank you so much by your pacience and nice cooperation.

3 freebetsuk Dec 04, 2011 19:46


How would i get a black coloured skin?

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