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1 Jan 10, 2012 19:26    

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.x


I tried posting in support, but it says "invalid session"

I have a quick question, how can I set a post to private and assign that post owner to another member, but make it so that it is still visible to the admin?

I do wedding photography, when I designed the wedding album, I would like to upload it and create a new user and password, email it to my client and now they will be able to view and approve the album online privately. No one else will be able to see it except them.

This works, except, when I assign the post to the client and save I can no longer access or edit the post. Any ideas?

3 Jan 24, 2012 11:23

Will these hacks work in 4.1.2 and if so which file should I hack?

4 Jan 24, 2012 19:12

Achillis wrote:

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.x
When I assign the post to the client and save I can no longer access or edit the post. Any ideas?

Ah i see, your problem is kind of different.

I didnt know that, afaic, super admin should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want to do.It's logically both right / wrong in different cases.

If b2 does not let you edit the post assigned to another user, heck, you always have the database under your hand : D But i guess there should be an easier way

5 Jan 25, 2012 05:44

Ha ha, yeah the database is a way, albeit a last resort. I think admin... should be what it implies aka no restrictions what so ever!

7 Aug 01, 2012 22:53

callten061 wrote:

tilqicom wrote:

There are some good hacks in here that might help:

Dont know if they still work though..

this is what i need

You can apply the hacks mentioned in the post..It worked for me back in the day..It should be still working probably

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