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1 Jun 28, 2005 01:47    

Currently I have my blog running in frames and I was wondering if there was any way I could define the links in the links post to target a new window, so it would create a fresh separate window instead of squeezing in the frame.

On a sidenote, would it also be possible to just make the links on link posts open in a new window, with other links in the blog (as categories and 'read more' cuts for example) staying put in that frame?


2 Jun 28, 2005 20:45

Have you tried adding this to your link code to make it open in a new window:


<a href="" target="_blank">A link</a>

3 Jun 29, 2005 00:01

personman wrote:

Have you tried adding this to your link code to make it open in a new window:


<a href="" target="_blank">A link</a>

Well yes I could do that, but I was wondering if there was a way to apply it to the main link in the title, for whenever you do a "link post" (put a URL in the write window, the title becomes a link to that URL) via CSS so that only it is affected and the rest of the links on the blog still go to the main target window.

5 Jun 29, 2005 02:07

isaac wrote:

How about something like [url=]this[/url]?

That would automagically open all links in a new window if they don't go to your site.

If you want to modify the height/width/etc of the newly opened window, then try [url=]take 2[/url] on the same concept.

Cool script, this is exactly what I need. However (forgive my newbishness), how do I apply this to b2evolution's index.php file?

7 Jul 04, 2005 15:39

If I'm not mistaken, copy the file to your site (your particular /skins directory could be a good spot). Then you need to call the file in the head of your _main.php page. That should look something like:

<script type="text/javascript" src="keepYaLinksPoppin.js"></script>

Just make sure your source link points to the .js file.

Hope that helps, and hope it works.

8 Jul 16, 2005 03:33

I, too, am brand new to b2evolution and to blogs. When prowling around on my newly created site, I, too, was unhappy that the links in the linkblog opened in the existing window; I'd rather that they opened in new windows so that a person exploring the resources I've listed could easily return to choose another if the first was not what was needed.

Did the person who asked the question [whose name I cannot now see] attempt to implement the suggested solution? Did it work?


9 Jul 16, 2005 04:05

I imagine they did, and I imagine it did. ;)

10 Jul 16, 2005 04:15


Isn't that what the back button is for? Part of the risk of hyperlinks is that the visitor might find the site you link to more interesting than your site and never come back. Sites that force links to open in a new window are a nuisance. The bother me only slightly less than sites that resize my browser window. I think you should trust that your visitors will come back to your site if they want. That's just my $0.02.


11 Jul 17, 2005 17:10

Thanks to both. I'll weigh the options...


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