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1 Oct 14, 2005 10:38    

I'm not sure if this is correct to post here because it refers to the CVS-Version that I downloaded today.

When I want to go to the admin screen after installation, I got this:

Warning: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in c:\cvsfiles\www\b2evo\blogs\evocore\_misc.funcs.php on line 1154

I found, that there is an invalid delimiter char in the preg_match:

	if( ! preg_match('¤^														# start
										([a-z][a-z0-9+.\-]*):[0-9]*		# scheme
										//														# authority absolute URLs only
										[a-z][a-z0-9~+.\-_,:;/\\\\*]* 	# Don t allow anything too funky like entities
										([?#][a-z0-9~+.\-_,:;/\\\\%&=?#*\ ]*)?
										$¤ix', $url, $matches) )

When I changed the invalid character '¤' to a simple '|' it works fine:

	if( ! preg_match('|^				# start
	   ([a-z][a-z0-9+.\-]*):[0-9]*		# scheme
	   //								# authority absolute URLs only
	   [a-z][a-z0-9~+.\-_,:;/\\\\*]* 	# Don t allow anything too funky like entities
	   ([?#][a-z0-9~+.\-_,:;/\\\\%&=?#*\ ]*)?
		$|ix', $url, $matches) )

Maybe it's worth to consider changing in the CVS?


2 Nov 16, 2005 01:19

AFAIR you've fixed it yourself.. :)


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