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1 Apr 13, 2006 19:22    

I was hoping someone might be able to help me [or has completed before] removing category listing from <UL>/<LI> into a nice table format..

Hopefully this is possible with the existing _categories.php but I'm using the wrong logic??? Right now, my output has every cateogory and subcategory in its own row...

I'd like to attempt something like...


<tr><td>Category 1 (0)</td></tr>

<tr><td>Category 2 (1)
<div class="dimmed">Subcategory Here</div>
<div class="dimmed">Subcategroy here</div>

<tr><td>Category 3</td></tr>


2 Apr 13, 2006 22:58

Did you just use "nice" and "table format" in the same sentence? :o

I think you're better off sticking with the list items and styleing it how you want with css.

ul ul {
color: #888;

Or something like that would help you style the subcats.

3 Apr 13, 2006 23:23

I agree with personman because tables expect things you can't know your visitors have (like screen resolution), but you can put your categories in a table - I THINK.

You will have to look at your skin's _main.php file and _categories.php file, and maybe your skin/_categories.php file. The last is a maybe depending on your skin - start doing it just in your skin and see if it works. Anyway you'll have to add the table start and end tags somewhere. Probably in your _main.php file. Next you'll have to figure out which of the variables in _categories.php should have <td> and <tr> (and of course the closing tags) to make it do what you want it to do. Just off the top of my head I'd say replace "ul" with "tr" and "li" with "td" but since I don't do tables I can't say for sure.

Also keep in mind that whenever you add a new sub-category your table will get wider. Eventually you might see where personman was right and that a table isn't the best way to do this. Of course, what works for you is what works for you!

4 Apr 20, 2006 15:49

I've gone with staying with the list format.. Thanks for the responses!

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