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1 Oct 07, 2016 06:07    

Confused: isn't "comment" enough?

3 Oct 07, 2016 06:12

Why not call it "private discussion" or "direct message op" so anybody actually understands what it means?

4 Oct 07, 2016 06:16

Or do we want visitors to read manuals too?

5 Oct 07, 2016 06:27

I guess we went short on imagination on those days :oops:

Well, I think it's because "meta" is a kind of discussion above the public discussion (a higher level, maybe?), so lucky for us that we didn't name it "Abstract".

Now seriously, it was a kind of dev-code-name that finally came into production untouched. Renaming the feature for a better understanding might make sense, so I will write a "meta comment" to Francois in order to discuss it ;)

6 Oct 07, 2016 07:01

As an ad guy, I'm always concerned about people actually understanding what I'm talking about.
So, I'd be happy to collaborate, if you'd want me to...

7 Oct 07, 2016 12:34

"Private messages" / "Private discussions" already exist and are a different feature.

"direct message op"... I don't think this is any more explicit than "meta comment". First I don't know what "op" means, second it's not a direct message, it's really a comment on a post, that all site editors can read and reply to.

9 Oct 08, 2016 05:17

More importantly: how do I get rid of it?
Because "meta" comment is just confusing; it does not mean anything - except maybe to you...

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