can_attach() global $PageCache, $Session; global $Collection, $Blog, $dummy_fields; // Default params: $params = array_merge( array( 'disp_comment_form' => true, 'form_title_start' => '
' .'

', 'form_title_end' => '

', 'form_title_text' => T_('Leave a comment'), 'form_comment_text' => T_('Comment text'), 'form_submit_text' => T_('Send comment'), 'form_params' => array( // Use to change structure of form, i.e. fieldstart, fieldend and etc. 'comments_disabled_before' => '

', 'comments_disabled_after' => '

', ), 'policy_text' => '', 'author_link_text' => 'auto', 'textarea_lines' => 10, 'default_text' => '', 'preview_block_start' => '', 'preview_start' => '
', 'comment_template' => '', // The template used for displaying individual comments (including preview) 'preview_end' => '
', 'preview_block_end' => '', 'before_comment_error' => '

', 'comment_closed_text' => '#', 'after_comment_error' => '

', 'before_comment_form' => '', 'after_comment_form' => '
', 'form_comment_redirect_to' => $Item->get_feedback_url( $disp == 'feedback-popup', '&' ), 'comment_image_size' => 'fit-1280x720', 'comment_attach_info' => get_icon( 'help', 'imgtag', array( 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'data-placement' => 'bottom', 'data-html' => 'true', 'title' => htmlspecialchars( get_upload_restriction( array( 'block_after' => '', 'block_separator' => '

' ) ) ) ) ), 'comment_mode' => '', // Can be 'quote' from GET request 'comment_type' => 'comment', 'comment_title_before' => '

', 'comment_title_after' => '

', 'comment_rating_before' => '
', 'comment_rating_after' => '
', 'comment_text_before' => '
', 'comment_text_after' => '
', 'comment_info_before' => '
', ), $params ); $comment_reply_ID = param( 'reply_ID', 'integer', 0 ); $email_is_detected = false; // Used when comment contains an email strings // Consider comment attachments list empty $comment_attachments = ''; // Default renderers: $comment_renderers = array( 'default' ); /* * Comment form: */ if( $params['comment_type'] == 'meta' ) { // Use different form anchor for meta comments: $params['comment_form_anchor'] = 'meta_form_p'; } $section_title = $params['form_title_start'].$params['form_title_text'].$params['form_title_end']; if( $params['disp_comment_form'] && ( $params['comment_type'] == 'meta' && $Item->can_meta_comment() || $Item->can_comment( $params['before_comment_error'], $params['after_comment_error'], '#', $params['comment_closed_text'], $section_title, $params ) ) ) { // We want to display the comments form and the item can be commented on: echo $params['before_comment_form']; // INIT/PREVIEW: if( $Comment = get_comment_from_session( 'preview', $params['comment_type'] ) ) { // We have a comment to preview if( $Comment->item_ID == $Item->ID ) { // display PREVIEW: // We do not want the current rendered page to be cached!! if( !empty( $PageCache ) ) { $PageCache->abort_collect(); } if( $Comment->email_is_detected ) { // We set it to define a some styles below $email_is_detected = true; } if( empty( $Comment->in_reply_to_cmt_ID ) ) { // Display the comment preview here only if this comment is not a reply, otherwise it was already displayed // ------------------ PREVIEW COMMENT INCLUDED HERE ------------------ skin_include( $params['comment_template'], array( 'Comment' => & $Comment, 'comment_block_start' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? '' : $params['preview_block_start'], 'comment_start' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? $params['comment_error_start'] : $params['preview_start'], 'comment_end' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? $params['comment_error_end'] : $params['preview_end'], 'comment_block_end' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? '' : $params['preview_block_end'], 'comment_title_before' => $params['comment_title_before'], 'comment_title_after' => $params['comment_title_after'], 'comment_rating_before' => $params['comment_rating_before'], 'comment_rating_after' => $params['comment_rating_after'], 'comment_text_before' => $params['comment_text_before'], 'comment_text_after' => $params['comment_text_after'], 'comment_info_before' => $params['comment_info_before'], 'comment_info_after' => $params['comment_info_after'], 'author_link_text' => $params['author_link_text'], 'image_size' => $params['comment_image_size'], ) ); // Note: You can customize the default item comment by copying the generic // /skins/ file into the current skin folder. // ---------------------- END OF PREVIEW COMMENT --------------------- } // Form fields: $comment_content = $Comment->original_content; // comment_attachments contains all file IDs that have been attached $comment_attachments = $Comment->preview_attachments; // checked_attachments contains all attachment file IDs which checkbox was checked in $checked_attachments = $Comment->checked_attachments; // for visitors: $comment_author = $Comment->author; $comment_author_email = $Comment->author_email; $comment_author_url = $Comment->author_url; $comment_allow_msgform = $Comment->allow_msgform; $comment_anon_notify = $Comment->anon_notify; $comment_user_notify = isset( $Comment->user_notify ) ? $Comment->user_notify : NULL; // Get what renderer checkboxes were selected on form: $comment_renderers = explode( '.', $Comment->get( 'renderers' ) ); // Display error messages again after preview of comment global $Messages; $Messages->display(); } } else { // New comment: if( ( $Comment = get_comment_from_session( 'unsaved', $params['comment_type'] ) ) == NULL ) { // there is no saved Comment in Session $Comment = new Comment(); $Comment->set( 'type', $params['comment_type'] ); $Comment->set( 'item_ID', $Item->ID ); if( ( !empty( $PageCache ) ) && ( $PageCache->is_collecting ) ) { // This page is going into the cache, we don't want personal data cached!!! // fp> These fields should be filled out locally with Javascript tapping directly into the cookies. Anyone JS savvy enough to do that? $comment_author = ''; $comment_author_email = ''; $comment_author_url = ''; } else { // Get params from $_COOKIE $comment_author = param_cookie( $cookie_name, 'string', '' ); $comment_author_email = utf8_strtolower( param_cookie( $cookie_email, 'string', '' ) ); $comment_author_url = param_cookie( $cookie_url, 'string', '' ); } if( empty($comment_author_url) ) { // Even if we have a blank cookie, let's reset this to remind the bozos what it's for $comment_author_url = 'http://'; } $comment_content = $params['default_text']; } else { // set saved Comment attributes from Session $comment_content = $Comment->content; $comment_author = $Comment->author; $comment_author_email = $Comment->author_email; $comment_author_url = $Comment->author_url; $comment_allow_msgform = $Comment->allow_msgform; $comment_anon_notify = $Comment->anon_notify; $comment_user_notify = isset( $Comment->user_notify ) ? $Comment->user_notify : NULL; // comment_attachments contains all file IDs that have been attached $comment_attachments = $Comment->preview_attachments; // checked_attachments contains all attachment file IDs which checkbox was checked in $checked_attachments = $Comment->checked_attachments; } if( $params['comment_mode'] == 'quote' ) { // These params go from ajax form loading, Used to reply with quote set_param( 'mode', $params['comment_mode'] ); set_param( 'qc', $params['comment_qc'] ); set_param( 'qp', $params['comment_qp'] ); set_param( $dummy_fields[ 'content' ], $params[ $dummy_fields[ 'content' ] ] ); } $mode = param( 'mode', 'string' ); if( $mode == 'quote' ) { // Quote for comment/post $comment_content = param( $dummy_fields[ 'content' ], 'html' ); $quoted_comment_ID = param( 'qc', 'integer', 0 ); $quoted_post_ID = param( 'qp', 'integer', 0 ); if( ! empty( $quoted_comment_ID ) && ( $CommentCache = & get_CommentCache() ) && ( $quoted_Comment = & $CommentCache->get_by_ID( $quoted_comment_ID, false ) ) && $params['comment_type'] == $quoted_Comment->get( 'type' ) ) { // Allow comment quoting only for the same comment type form: $quoted_Item = $quoted_Comment->get_Item(); if( $quoted_User = $quoted_Comment->get_author_User() ) { // User is registered $quoted_login = $quoted_User->login; } else { // Anonymous user $quoted_login = $quoted_Comment->get_author_name(); } $quoted_content = $quoted_Comment->get( 'content' ); $quoted_ID = 'c'.$quoted_Comment->ID; } elseif( ! empty( $quoted_post_ID ) && $params['comment_type'] != 'meta' ) { // Allow item quoting only for normal(not meta) comment type form: $ItemCache = & get_ItemCache(); $quoted_Item = & $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $quoted_post_ID, false ); $quoted_login = $quoted_Item->get_creator_login(); $quoted_content = $quoted_Item->get( 'content' ); $quoted_ID = 'p'.$quoted_Item->ID; } if( !empty( $quoted_Item ) ) { // Format content for editing, if we were not already in editing... $comment_title = ''; $comment_content .= '[quote=@'.$quoted_login.'#'.$quoted_ID.']'.strip_tags($quoted_content).'[/quote]'; $Plugins_admin = & get_Plugins_admin(); $quoted_Item->load_Blog(); $plugins_params = array( 'object_type' => 'Comment', 'object_Blog' => & $quoted_Item->Blog ); $Plugins_admin->unfilter_contents( $comment_title /* by ref */, $comment_content /* by ref */, $quoted_Item->get_renderers_validated(), $plugins_params ); } } } if( ( !empty( $PageCache ) ) && ( $PageCache->is_collecting ) ) { // This page is going into the cache, we don't want personal data cached!!! // fp> These fields should be filled out locally with Javascript tapping directly into the cookies. Anyone JS savvy enough to do that? } else { // Get values that may have been passed through after a preview param( 'comment_cookies', 'integer', NULL ); param( 'comment_allow_msgform', 'integer', NULL ); // checkbox if( is_null($comment_cookies) ) { // "Remember me" checked, if remembered before: $comment_cookies = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) || isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_email]) || isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_url]); } } echo $params['form_title_start']; echo $params['form_title_text']; echo $params['form_title_end']; if( $params['comment_type'] != 'meta' ) { // Display a message before comment form: $Item->display_comment_form_msg(); } /* echo '';*/ $Form = new Form( get_htsrv_url().'comment_post.php', 'evo_comment_form_id_'.$Item->ID, 'post', NULL, 'multipart/form-data' ); $Form->switch_template_parts( $params['form_params'] ); $Form->begin_form( 'evo_form evo_form__comment', '', array( 'target' => '_self'/*, 'onsubmit' => 'return validateCommentForm(this);'*/ ) ); // TODO: dh> a plugin hook would be useful here to add something to the top of the Form. // Actually, the best would be, if the $Form object could be changed by a plugin // before display! $Form->add_crumb( 'comment' ); $Form->hidden( 'comment_type', $params['comment_type'] ); $Form->hidden( 'comment_item_ID', $Item->ID ); $comment_type = param( 'comment_type', 'string', 'comment' ); if( ! empty( $comment_reply_ID ) && $comment_type == $params['comment_type'] ) { $Form->hidden( 'reply_ID', $comment_reply_ID ); // Link to scroll back up to replying comment echo ''.T_('You are currently replying to a specific comment').''; } $Form->hidden( 'redirect_to', // Make sure we get back to the right page (on the right domain) // fp> TODO: check if we can use the permalink instead but we must check that application wide, // that is to say: check with the comments in a pop-up etc... // url_rel_to_same_host(regenerate_url( '', '', $Blog->get('blogurl'), '&' ), get_htsrv_url()) // fp> what we need is a regenerate_url that will work in permalinks // fp> below is a simpler approach: $params['form_comment_redirect_to'] ); if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) { // User is not logged in or not activated: if( is_logged_in() && empty( $comment_author ) && empty( $comment_author_email ) ) { $comment_author = $current_User->login; $comment_author_email = $current_User->email; } // Note: we use funky field names to defeat the most basic guestbook spam bots $Form->text( $dummy_fields[ 'name' ], $comment_author, 40, T_('Name'), '
'.sprintf( T_('Click here to log in if you already have an account on this site.'), 'href="'.get_login_url( 'comment form', $Item->get_permanent_url() ).'" style="font-weight:bold"' ), 100, 'evo_comment_field' ); $Form->email_input( $dummy_fields[ 'email' ], $comment_author_email, 40, T_('Email'), array( 'bottom_note' => T_('Your email address will not be revealed on this site.'), 'maxlength' => 255, 'class' => 'evo_comment_field' ) ); $Item->load_Blog(); if( $Item->Blog->get_setting( 'allow_anon_url' ) ) { $Form->text( $dummy_fields[ 'url' ], $comment_author_url, 40, T_('Website'), '
'.T_('Your URL will be displayed.'), 255, 'evo_comment_field' ); } } if( ! $Comment->is_meta() && $Item->can_rate() ) { // Comment rating: ob_start(); $Comment->rating_input( array( 'item_ID' => $Item->ID ) ); $comment_rating = ob_get_clean(); $Form->info_field( T_('Your vote'), $comment_rating ); } if( !empty($params['policy_text']) ) { // We have a policy text to display $Form->info_field( '', $params['policy_text'] ); } // Workflow properties: if( $Comment->is_meta() && is_logged_in() && $Blog->get_setting( 'use_workflow' ) && $current_User->check_perm( 'blog_can_be_assignee', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID ) && $current_User->check_perm( 'item_post!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $Item ) ) { // Display workflow properties if current user has a permission: $Form->select_input_array( 'item_priority', $Item->priority, item_priority_titles(), T_('Priority'), '', array( 'force_keys_as_values' => true ) ); // Load only first 21 users to know when we should display an input box instead of full users list: $UserCache = & get_UserCache(); $UserCache->load_blogmembers( $Blog->ID, 21, false ); if( count( $UserCache->cache ) > 20 ) { // Display a text input field with autocompletion if members more than 20: $assigned_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $Item->get( 'assigned_user_ID' ), false, false ); $Form->username( 'item_assigned_user_login', $assigned_User, T_('Assigned to'), '', 'only_assignees', array( 'size' => 10 ) ); } else { // Display a select field if members less than 21: $Form->select_object( 'item_assigned_user_ID', NULL, $Item, T_('Assigned to'), '', true, '', 'get_assigned_user_options' ); } $ItemStatusCache = & get_ItemStatusCache(); $ItemStatusCache->load_all(); $ItemTypeCache = & get_ItemTypeCache(); $current_ItemType = & $Item->get_ItemType(); $Form->select_options( 'item_st_ID', $ItemStatusCache->get_option_list( $Item->pst_ID, true, 'get_name', $current_ItemType->get_ignored_post_status() ), T_('Task status') ); if( $Blog->get_setting( 'use_deadline' ) ) { // Display deadline fields only if it is enabled for collection: $Form->begin_line( T_('Deadline'), 'item_deadline' ); $datedeadline = $Item->get( 'datedeadline' ); $Form->date( 'item_deadline', $datedeadline, '' ); $datedeadline_time = empty( $datedeadline ) ? '' : date( 'Y-m-d H:i', strtotime( $datedeadline ) ); $Form->time( 'item_deadline_time', $datedeadline_time, T_('at'), 'hh:mm' ); $Form->end_line(); } // Prepend info for the form submit button title to inform user about additional action when workflow properties are on the form: $params['form_submit_text'] = T_('Update Status').' / '.$params['form_submit_text']; } // Set prefix for js code in plugins: $plugin_js_prefix = ( $params['comment_type'] == 'meta' ? 'meta_' : '' ); // Display plugin captcha for comment form before textarea: $Plugins->display_captcha( array( 'Form' => & $Form, 'form_type' => 'comment', 'form_position' => 'before_textarea', ) ); ob_start(); echo '
'; // CALL PLUGINS NOW: $Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayCommentToolbar', array( 'Comment' => & $Comment, 'Item' => & $Item, 'js_prefix' => $plugin_js_prefix, ) ); echo '
'; $comment_toolbar = ob_get_clean(); // Message field: $content_id = $dummy_fields['content'].'_'.$params['comment_type']; $form_inputstart = $Form->inputstart; $Form->inputstart .= $comment_toolbar; $note = ''; // $note = T_('Allowed XHTML tags').': '.htmlspecialchars(str_replace( '><',', ', $comment_allowed_tags)); $Form->textarea_input( $dummy_fields['content'], $comment_content, $params['textarea_lines'], $params['form_comment_text'], array( 'note' => $note, 'cols' => 38, 'class' => 'autocomplete_usernames', 'id' => $content_id, ) ); $Form->inputstart = $form_inputstart; // Set canvas object for plugins: echo ''; // CALL PLUGINS NOW: ob_start(); $Plugins->trigger_event( 'AdminDisplayEditorButton', array( 'target_type' => 'Comment', 'target_object' => $Comment, 'content_id' => $content_id, 'edit_layout' => 'inskin', ) ); $quick_setting_switch = ob_get_flush(); $comment_options = array(); if( ! is_logged_in( false ) ) { // For anonymous or not activated user: // TODO: If we got info from cookies, Add a link called "Forget me now!" (without posting a comment). $comment_options[] = array( 'comment_cookies', 1, T_('Remember me'), $comment_cookies, false, '('.T_('Set cookies so I don\'t need to fill out my details next time').')' ); // TODO: If we have an email in a cookie, Add links called "Add a contact icon to all my previous comments" and "Remove contact icon from all my previous comments". $comment_options[] = array( 'comment_allow_msgform', 1, T_('Allow message form'), $comment_allow_msgform, false, '('.T_('Allow users to contact me through a message form -- Your email will not be revealed!').')', ( $email_is_detected ? 'comment_recommended_option' : '' ) ); if( $Blog->get_setting( 'allow_anon_subscriptions' ) ) { // If item anonymous subscriptions are allowed for current collection: $comment_options[] = array( 'comment_anon_notify', 1, T_('Notify me of replies'), isset( $comment_anon_notify ) ? $comment_anon_notify : $Blog->get_setting( 'default_anon_comment_notify' ) ); } } elseif( $params['comment_type'] != 'meta' && $Blog->get_setting( 'allow_item_subscriptions' ) ) { // For registered user and normal(not meta) comment and if item subscriptions are allowed for current collection: $comment_options[] = array( 'comment_user_notify', 1, T_('Notify me of replies'), ( isset( $comment_user_notify ) ? $comment_user_notify : 1 ) ); } if( count( $comment_options ) > 0 ) { // Display additional options: $Form->checklist( $comment_options, 'comment_options', T_('Options') ); } // Display renderers $comment_renderer_checkboxes = $Plugins->get_renderer_checkboxes( $comment_renderers, array( 'Blog' => & $Blog, 'setting_name' => 'coll_apply_comment_rendering', 'js_prefix' => $plugin_js_prefix, ) ); if( !empty( $comment_renderer_checkboxes ) ) { $Form->info( T_('Text Renderers'), $comment_renderer_checkboxes ); } // Attach files: if( !empty( $comment_attachments ) ) { // display already attached files checkboxes $FileCache = & get_FileCache(); $attachments = explode( ',', $comment_attachments ); $final_attachments = explode( ',', $checked_attachments ); // create attachments checklist $list_options = array(); foreach( $attachments as $attachment_ID ) { $attachment_File = $FileCache->get_by_ID( $attachment_ID, false ); if( $attachment_File ) { // checkbox should be checked only if the corresponding file id is in the final attachments array $checked = in_array( $attachment_ID, $final_attachments ); $list_options[] = array( 'preview_attachment'.$attachment_ID, 1, '', $checked, false, $attachment_File->get( 'name' ) ); } } if( !empty( $list_options ) ) { // display list $Form->checklist( $list_options, 'comment_attachments', T_( 'Attached files' ) ); } // memorize all attachments ids $Form->hidden( 'preview_attachments', $comment_attachments ); } if( $Item->can_attach() ) { // Display attach file input field when JavaScript is disabled: echo ''; } // Display attachments fieldset: $Form->attachments_fieldset( $Comment, false, $Comment->is_meta() ? 'meta_' : '' ); $Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayCommentFormFieldset', array( 'Form' => & $Form, 'Item' => & $Item ) ); // Display plugin captcha for comment form before submit button: $Plugins->display_captcha( array( 'Form' => & $Form, 'form_type' => 'comment', 'form_position' => 'before_submit_button', ) ); $Form->begin_fieldset(); echo $Form->buttonsstart; $preview_text = ( $Item->can_attach() ) ? T_('Preview/Add file') : T_('Preview'); if (isset($current_User)) { $Form->button_input( array( 'name' => 'submit_comment_post_'.$Item->ID.'[preview]', 'class' => 'preview btn-info', 'value' => $preview_text, 'tabindex' => 9 ) ); } $Form->button_input( array( 'name' => 'submit_comment_post_'.$Item->ID.'[save]', 'class' => 'submit SaveButton', 'value' => $params['form_submit_text'], 'tabindex' => 10 ) ); if( $Item->can_attach() ) { // Don't display "/Add file" on the preview button if JS is enabled: //echo ''; } $Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayCommentFormButton', array( 'Form' => & $Form, 'Item' => & $Item ) ); echo $Form->buttonsend; $Form->end_fieldset(); ?>
end_form(); echo $params['after_comment_form']; echo_comment_reply_js( $Item ); } ?>