b2evolution CCMS Installation in progress Installing b2evolution... Checking files... Preparing to install /.htaccess in the base folder... Installation successful! Creating b2evolution tables... Loading module: _core/model/__core.install.php Loading module: collections/model/_collections.install.php Loading module: files/model/_files.install.php Loading module: sessions/model/_sessions.install.php Loading module: messaging/model/_messaging.install.php Loading module: maintenance/model/_maintenance.install.php Created table «evo_groups» Created table «evo_groups__groupsettings» Created table «evo_settings» Created table «evo_global__cache» Created table «evo_users» Created table «evo_users__fielddefs» Created table «evo_users__fieldgroups» Created table «evo_users__fields» Created table «evo_users__reports» Created table «evo_users__postreadstatus» Created table «evo_users__invitation_code» Created table «evo_users__organization» Created table «evo_users__user_org» Created table «evo_i18n_original_string» Created table «evo_i18n_translated_string» Created table «evo_locales» Created table «evo_antispam» Created table «evo_antispam__iprange» Created table «evo_users__usersettings» Created table «evo_plugins» Created table «evo_pluginsettings» Created table «evo_pluginusersettings» Created table «evo_pluginevents» Created table «evo_cron__task» Created table «evo_cron__log» Created table «evo_regional__country» Created table «evo_regional__region» Created table «evo_regional__subregion» Created table «evo_regional__city» Created table «evo_regional__currency» Created table «evo_slug» Created table «evo_email__log» Created table «evo_email__returns» Created table «evo_email__address» Created table «evo_email__campaign» Created table «evo_email__campaign_send» Created table «evo_syslog» Created table «evo_skins__skin» Created table «evo_skins__container» Created table «evo_blogs» Created table «evo_coll_settings» Created table «evo_widget» Created table «evo_categories» Created table «evo_items__item» Created table «evo_postcats» Created table «evo_comments» Created table «evo_comments__votes» Created table «evo_items__prerendering» Created table «evo_comments__prerendering» Created table «evo_items__version» Created table «evo_items__status» Created table «evo_items__type» Created table «evo_items__type_custom_field» Created table «evo_items__type_coll» Created table «evo_items__tag» Created table «evo_items__itemtag» Created table «evo_items__subscriptions» Created table «evo_items__item_settings» Created table «evo_subscriptions» Created table «evo_blogusers» Created table «evo_bloggroups» Created table «evo_links» Created table «evo_links__vote» Created table «evo_files» Created table «evo_filetypes» Created table «evo_sessions» Created table «evo_basedomains» Created table «evo_track__keyphrase» Created table «evo_hitlog» Created table «evo_track__goal» Created table «evo_track__goalhit» Created table «evo_track__goalcat» Created table «evo_messaging__thread» Created table «evo_messaging__message» Created table «evo_messaging__prerendering» Created table «evo_messaging__threadstatus» Created table «evo_messaging__contact» Created table «evo_messaging__contact_groups» Created table «evo_messaging__contact_groupusers» Creating minimum default data... Creating default blacklist entries... OK. Creating default antispam IP ranges... OK. Creating default groups... OK. Creating groups for user field definitions... OK. Creating user field definitions... OK. Creating default currencies... OK. Creating default countries... OK. Creating default regions... OK. Creating default sub-regions... OK. Creating admin user... OK. Set settings for administrator user... OK. Creating default Post Types... OK. Creating default Post Statuses... OK. Creating default file types... OK. Activating default locales... OK. Creating default settings... OK. Creating default scheduled jobs... OK. Creating default "help" slug... OK. Creating default goal category... OK. Installing default skins... OK. Installing plugin: quicktags_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: auto_p_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: autolinks_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: texturize_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: calendar_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: archives_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: videoplug_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: ping_b2evonet_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: ping_pingomatic_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: tinymce_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: twitter_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: flowplayer_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: captcha_qstn_plugin... Not Enabled: You should create at least one question! Installing plugin: basic_antispam_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: geoip_plugin... WARNING: this plugin can only work once you download the GeoLite Country DB database. Go to the plugin settings to download it. Installing plugin: html5_mediaelementjs_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: html5_videojs_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: watermark_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: generic_ping_plugin... You must configure a ping service URL before the plugin can be enabled. Installing plugin: escapecode_plugin... OK. Installing plugin: bbcode_plugin... Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in /hermes/bosoraweb013/b1107/myd.sugarcatsimon/public_html/pdmeoff/pdroot/btoev/inc/plugins/model/_plugins_admin.class.php on line 47