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1 Jul 20, 2006 04:10    

Hi guys,

I worked up a new skin (based on the Custom skin), mostly designed using [url=]Inkscape[/url] and then chopped into sections for the blog. It's not quite generic enough for general release, but maybe it could be converted in the future, especially if all the little fine details get worked out.

Please let me know what you think and if you notice any obvious ugly parts or bugs that need fixing. I always get impatient about going live with a site redesign before I go over everything with a fine-toothed comb (or with 10 different browser versions). :D


2 Jul 26, 2006 03:21

Mmm...curvy. I like it.

One thing I'm noticing is that I'm not getting any hover effect on your sidebar links when using Firefox, although it shows up in IE. Drop in an extra class for .bSideItem a:hover and it should be good to go.

3 Aug 03, 2006 03:24

Very nice design. Easy to read. One thing I noticed (which isn't really a skin issue) is that the "number of guests online" counter keeps going up if you refresh the page, so it's acting more like a "this site has been visited xx times" than a current visitors counter. Other than that, nice and clean layout.


4 Aug 03, 2006 05:32

Thanks for the feedback. That's an interesting observation about the who's online section. As far as I know it's the default code....I've read somewhere that the who's online code isn't super accurate. If someone leaves the page it will still show their count for ~5 minutes or so before resetting.

And thanks, scottsforum, I haven't tweaked the css yet the way you suggested, but I imagine I will eventually. :-)

5 Aug 03, 2006 15:19

Nice skin!

I cannot reproduce the "Who's online" problem, by reloading the page. It's just that youself do not appear on the first access.

And I could imagine, that if someone would not accept session cookies, it would increase the counter (as this user would create a new session everytime).

But this thread is not the appropriate place for this, if you observe more or similar problems with it, please report it to the Bugs forum.

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