2 lionfish Dec 30, 2010 14:33

Not sure if there is a setting for this but you can remove avatars by editing file /skins/_item_comment.inc.php.
And replace with:
Thank you so much! I spent hours looking for this code and couldn't find it, thanks :)
lionfish wrote:
Thank you so much! I spent hours looking for this code and couldn't find it, thanks :)
Next time when you cant find sth in your skin folder, check for the common /skins folder.b2 checks if the required skin file exists in your skin folder, if not it reads it from the parent common skins folder.For example for a b2 skin to function, only a single index.main.php file (and a css file ofc) is enough, it would read the rest from there.
The avatars are of course still visible in the admin panel.
There really should be an option to disable avatars.
Hypocrite wrote:
The avatars are of course still visible in the admin panel.
There really should be an option to disable avatars.
avatars used to be better of as a plugin. like couple more things that are bundled with the 3.x and above which was the main reason behind the unrest that caused some dev's to quit.
There really should be an option to disable avatars.
There is an option to disable avatars. Users > User settings > Avatars
Actually I have that box unchecked but the default Gravatar is still loaded.
Probably related to this:
It's another bug actually. To fix it edit /inc/comments/model/_comment.class.php:367
function get_avatar( $size = 'crop-64x64', $class = 'bCommentAvatar', $params = array() )
global $Settings, $Plugins, $default_avatar;
if( ! $Settings->get('allow_avatars') ) return;
Fixed in CVS
Does anyone have any ideas?