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1 Sep 22, 2016 19:05    

Hi, please excuse my ignorance if this seems like a noob question...

I have installed the AddThis plugin - do I need to insert the AddThis JavaScript into the body as suggested by AddThis, or can I simply enter my publisher ID in the settings for the plugin (which is enabled for my collection i.e. forum)?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

2 Sep 22, 2016 21:17

Simply add you publisher ID into the plugin settings.

3 Sep 22, 2016 21:52

Thank you.

Sorry to be a pain.

I am getting the message that my site is verified from & I can see the script in the head for the page which displays the topic I created, but the AddThis icons are not showing anywhere on the post. I have enabled 'always show' for posts & 'never' for comments.

4 Sep 23, 2016 08:43

OK, I have tried everything to get the inline AddThis sharing icons to display to no avail.

I eventually resorted to inserting the code supplied to as such

'content_end_full_text' => '</div><div class="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"></div>',

which inserts a sharing toolbar at the end of the text in the post

I am a total beginner with b2evolution, having worked with Joomla, WordPress & Drupal prior to trying out b2evolution.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

5 Sep 24, 2016 11:12

AddThis is basically a third party plugin, which I personally don't use, so I can't really help much about this plugin.

But anything related to the b2evolution core: be my guest! :)

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