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1 Feb 28, 2016 02:25    

I just started my website and wanted to change the background image on the home I
removed the sunset link; uploaded a new pic and inserted the new .jpg laddress into the background image line.

But now....Nothing is showing and my home page background is blank/white. What did i mess up?? :)

Can anyone guide me into fixing that?

thank you!

2 Feb 28, 2016 03:24

Hi @maggie
Would you please privide your website URL? Then I can have a look.

4 Feb 28, 2016 07:04

Please give your setting of "Background image"

5 Feb 28, 2016 23:35

thank you so much!
If I want to change the background image - where do I upload the pic?

thanks again

6 Feb 29, 2016 00:04

As you see in the screenshot, the setting URL of 'Background image' is relative to the 'media' dir

7 Feb 29, 2016 00:23

yes thank you - but I don't understand where the media dir is located?

8 Feb 29, 2016 00:30

In the root of b2,
If there is no such dir, please copy it from the source code.

9 Feb 29, 2016 00:41

ok - thank you. Appreciate your help!

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