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1 Sep 17, 2007 17:57    

My b2evolution Version: 2.0

I am using evopress skin for my blog, is it easy to add a left hand column with just the blog list on and if so how can it be done.

or does someone have a skin that I can use that meets my needs.

Is it possible to change the blog width to 1024 x 768 screen resolution, or can it be set to scaling so it changes with browser window size.


2 Sep 22, 2007 11:12

All is possible, but it requires that you have knowledge with (X)HTML and CSS itself. There are various ways in doing it, and to move evopress' sidebar to the left, you really have to open the stylesheet file of evopress (CSS) (that's one way of doing it), and change the "float:" values (reverse it).

Scaling.. it is possible, but not that advisable. There are quirks in designing like that, especially for the end-user when you start posting images and videos, which will not scale.

To change the width:
open /skins/evopress/style.css

and look for all the "width:" you can find and change according to your needs. Change only the one's with 7xx values not the percent-ages values.

Hope that gives you a headstart.

3 Sep 24, 2007 17:33

Thanks for your help.

I wanted to keep the right hand column but add another column on the left for the blog titles only.

I will play with the widths before I get too many users on the site.

I guess there will be a skin eventually that has a left and right hand column for 2.0.1, once I have that bit there I know how to edit it (I think).

Its early days yet and im sure it will be worth the wait.

4 Sep 24, 2007 18:10

If time permits me, I will have a look at it this week. The problem is (not only) the css but some images that need to be stretched (image manipulation is not my strongest thing).
For those interested in the proces, I have the 'Favorista skin', which is a 1.10 skin -Kubrick- with a third column (left sidebar). It's slightly annotated, but I did exactly what pi-stuff wants; extra column and wider. So, for the eager to learn, it's on my testblog; Once more, this is not for B2evo 2, only 1.10.

Good luck

5 Sep 25, 2007 05:07

Same thing.. I'm not good in graphics editing, especially stretching them.

Usually I ended up cheating it or doing it 1 pixel at a time which is a pain both in the a*s, your hands, and eyes :p

I am currently looking for a skin not yet available for b2evo with two columns - left and right. Since I need it too.

Will post once Im done with the porting.

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