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1 Sep 23, 2007 03:17    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

What is the most efficient way to point to customised files (eg:css) on a per skin basis?

a:Establish an RSC folder in specific Skin folders?
b:Establish specific Skin folders in the RSC folder?
c:It doesn't matter either way.

I note that the default installations vary with some (Pink) having it's own RSC folder for images but not for CSS.

2 Sep 24, 2007 15:42

I do not know any standards for skins.
In any case I prefer a)

3 Sep 24, 2007 15:49

Thanks Slamp
It pays to establish a method as files like Forms, Comments etc etc really do need CSS/Images etc per skin

4 Sep 25, 2007 05:10

My personal practice is like this: (b2evo skins or any sites)

/rsc/vid/videofiles like .flv .div .xvid .mov etc.

Anything that is a "resource" I put it in /rsc/*subgroup/

Then anything of "includes" under /inc/*subfolder/

It also makes it easy for those who will edit the skin, and at the same time, in a way influence them to follow some standard or organization of files.

And it's easier that way, you know where to look.

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