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1 Feb 08, 2008 18:36    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.x

Hi all,

I started using the b2evo board yesterday and I LOVE IT. Today I decided to upgrade to 2.4 because I love th enew addon and features not to mention the security fixes but, I can't get the originalb2 to work on the 2.x architecture.

What do I need to do to fix this?

Please advise.

Thank you and keep up the good work, it's appreciloved.


2 Feb 08, 2008 20:14


Welcome to the forums.
A skin for 1.10 will not function on a 2.x blog. This means that you will have to wait until it is converted or you will have to convert it yourself (it's rather difficult, but it can be done) or you find yourself another skin from the skins repository:

EdB is currently converting a lot of skins and I haven't got a clue if he plans on doing the one you mention. Perhaps if you ask him friendly ;)

Good luck

3 Feb 08, 2008 20:23

Hi Afwas,

Thank you for the kind welcome, feedback and comments, much appreciloved.

I was hoping that there would be a skin that is wider in display than the boxed versions that are available. I prefer the use of fewer graphics and more text space for the blogs and that's why I liked the originalb2.

It would be nice for future releases that such a skin be kept in the default skins pack.

I will reach out to EdB in an effort to get help with this. I was hoping to do a launch at 4 today and when I saw what 2.4 had, I didn't want to do the launch and then make the change so I upgraded :-(.

Anyway, i'm trying to find a skin that will be sufficient for now and can change it later without any major difference.

Thank you and keep up the good work.


5 Feb 08, 2008 20:33

Hi Afwas,

Now that skin will work fine with a few minor color changes :-).

How do I widen it?
Sorry for being such a newbie to the coding elements.

Thank you and keep up the good work.


6 Feb 08, 2008 20:34

Which skin do you mean?

7 Feb 08, 2008 20:36


My apology.


Thank you,


8 Feb 08, 2008 20:41

Find /skins/asevo/style.css from line ~36 onward.
Tinker with the width in these three places.

	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 84%;
	width: 88ex;
	margin: 0 auto;
	padding: 1px;

.evo_main_area /* Left column */
	width: 62ex;
	float: left;
	overflow: hidden;

.evo_sidebar /* Right column */
	width: 23ex;
	float: right;
	overflow: hidden;

You can leave the sidebar at 23ex. Make the main area 82ex, that means the inner wrapper must now be 88 + 20 is 108 ex. Do use measures to your needs/wishes.

Good luck

9 Feb 08, 2008 21:20

Heard my name ... thought I'd stop in and say hi.

Yeah originalb2 is on the list even though I'm the guy who recommended dropping it from the core distribution. Something about getting rid of "b2 legacy stuff" from the actual package and hanging on to a golden oldie like that...

Okay so it's on the list and I don't expect it to be too much trouble AFTER I get a grip on making nice with skins IN GENERAL. The hardship is that the skin has to not only work (easy) but work with the default widget configuration AND the "original layout" widget configuration. All possible widget configs would be great, but is almost impossible to plan for.

So far I've learned a great deal and have been able to re-create a couple of blog top sections successfully. When the first few come off the assembly line the rest won't be far behind. And I'll put originalb2 at the top of the queue since it was asked for yah?

10 Feb 08, 2008 22:27

Hi EdB,

Thanks for chiming in and adding the needed info, Thank you.

With the help of Afwas I was able to get the Asevo skin working for me and I feel somewhat comfortable with it. I am making a few tweaks and changes and should be good to go soon.


Thanks again.


11 Feb 08, 2008 23:32


Any chance on getting an image logo on that skin?

Please advise.

Thank you.


12 Feb 08, 2008 23:45

Where would you want that logo?

13 Feb 08, 2008 23:50


Top right hand side of the screen.

Thank you,


14 Feb 08, 2008 23:51

Easiest way is to use the logo widget to place a logo above the calendar


15 Feb 09, 2008 01:00


I added the widget and created the gif and it's showing the placeholder but the image doesn't show.

Is there a specific requirement for the file size perhaps?
The file is 20KB.

Please advise.

Thank you.


16 Feb 09, 2008 01:09

According to the sourcecode of your blog the image should be in:
According to the description of the logo widget the image should be in /blogs/media/logo.gif.
I expect the description to be wrong, so place the image in /blogs/media/blogs/Main and I think it will show up.

Good luck

17 Feb 09, 2008 01:39


I got it. The server was updating fast enough because of something, dunno what/why but it works now.

Thanks a mil again and enjoy your weekend.


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