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1 Jun 10, 2004 16:41    

If contents in text fields contain simplified chinese characters(gb2312), blog page won't display it properly because it changes all these characters into escaped characters, that is, '最新' is changed into



So I change the convert_chars function in _functions.php so it won't escape chinese characters. Then it works fine.

The modification is, change the next line in convert_chars function:

        if (locale_charset(false) != 'utf-8')

to this:

        if (locale_charset(false) != 'utf-8' && locale_charset(false) != 'gb2312')

2 Jun 15, 2004 07:39

Hi, I did what you told. the problem is when use Browse/Edit, all the chinese charaters become 留言。
so it cannnot be edited.
do you know how to solve this problem?
Thank you.

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