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1 Jul 10, 2008 13:35    


We use b2evolution now for 70000 blogs for 2 universities in 1 system.
We would be very interested in a blog export function.
When student or employees stop with their study or work, we want to offer that they can export the weblog and import it in another weblog system.

I would like to know if in a future version is it possible to make an export function?

Kind regards,

2 Jul 11, 2008 02:32

No one knows the future, but heck everything is possible right? Short term answer: you can 'export' everything via a syndication feed. I'm pretty sure there is a setting for how many posts to put in the feed, so set that to some insanely large number then grab the feed as a file.

Importing the content into another blog app would be the problem of the other blog app - of course. Having said that, we do not have a way to export one blog from a b2evolution installation and import it into a different b2evolution installation.

3 Jul 11, 2008 08:52

EdB wrote:

Having said that, we do not have a way to export one blog from a b2evolution installation and import it into a different b2evolution installation.

This would be very nice to have first. :idea: An import and export for b2evolution blogs! Hopefully this will be a new function in b2evolution in a next version.

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