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1 Apr 01, 2009 15:19    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Hello every one!

Im using B2e 2.4.5 version and i have a problem with xhtml.

Here it is,im trying to insert an advertising banner from banstex into my blog but xhtml validator don't accept it , i've tried to set the validation xhtml and the XHTML validation on XML-RPC calls to basic security checking but now nothing display on my blog.

How to prevent XHTML checking the javascript code?

Here is my banner code

<script type="text/javascript">
var bseuri = '' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11);
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="'+bseuri+'"></scr'+'ipt>');

Thanks in advance

2 Apr 04, 2009 22:05

Hi DrakanFX. It's probably not the XHTML validator that's stopping you. On your Users tab open the group you're in and uncheck the box for "prevent javascripts". That should get you going.

Maybe! Sometimes some of those bits don't do what one expects them to do, but hey if "prevent javascripts" is checked and you're trying to post a javascript then maybe unchecking is the solution to the problem...

3 Apr 05, 2009 12:34

Hi EdB!

Thanks foe the tips but i ve already tried this but nothing....

I ve unchecked all the box and the problem stay the same...

4 Apr 05, 2009 12:39

Could you post the precise JS from the <script type="text/javascript"> to the </script>.

Also, where are you trying to place this script? In a post or in the html of the body or sidebar?

5 Apr 05, 2009 12:40

DrakanFX wrote:

Hi EdB!

Thanks foe the tips but i ve already tried this but nothing....

I ve unchecked all the box and the problem stay the same...

AFAIK, and depending on my experiences, nothing shall stop you inserting anything when you are admin and have all the preventions unchecked..

double check which usergroup are you actually in and double check if in that group both xhtml and xml-rpc validation are unchecked as well as the other 4 validations below

moreover i have tried posting the exact code in my blog, i can post but nothing displays..oops am i missing sth here ? are you not able to post the code ? or you can post the code but cant get anything displayed ? they are whole two different cases.. the above comment was all for case1, if that's for case2 ignore the post above

6 Apr 05, 2009 15:48

Im trying to put thes banners in a post,

I ve tried this one too

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

But whatever i do it is never displayed...

I thin im gonna have to choose another blog platform.

i was using Wordpress but this one displayed all my banners but i had a problem with the posts every time i was posting one Wordpress changed every position of the photos and the text.

7 Apr 05, 2009 17:38

Okay cool. tilqicom hit the nail on the head: you are able to post but it does not display anything. That is NOT an xhtml validation issue - that means the script is failing.

Got a link to where we can see a post you have this script in? Even if it isn't showing anything.

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