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1 May 02, 2009 21:46    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Say I have made a bunch of changes to a skin, how do I rename it so I can have both the original skin installed AND the customized skin installed?

Is it just a matter of changing the folder name in the /skins folder?

2 May 03, 2009 00:28

Got the new one on your computer and the original one on your server? Rename it on your computer, connect with your FTP program of choice, download the original and upload the new. Then do the Global settings -> skins -> install new thing.

If you already uploaded the new bits into the original name folder then the original is gone. If you already renamed the folder on your server then you probably have troubles even though it says the original is installed.

3 May 03, 2009 00:33

I have edited the original, so would edit the name then re-download the original. Would that work?

Or should I move all the edited files to my hard d rive, rename it, then upload it. THEN redownload and overwrite the original?

4 May 03, 2009 00:34

You *only* need to rename the folder of the skin

Good luck

5 May 03, 2009 00:45

I'm confused as to where you edited the files. If you edited on your server under the original name then the only place you might have a copy of the original files is on your computer. In this case delete the skin from the installation, then rename the skin on your server, then install the new name on your server.

If you edited the files on your computer then the server still has all the original files in the original folder name. So now all you do is rename the new folder and upload it. You would download the original folder name simply for archival purposes I guess.

7 Jun 02, 2009 14:58

In case anyone else is looking for this info and got confused (heck, it was my question, and even I got confused rereading it), here is a brief step-by-step of what I did (if you want to keep the original skin plus your new customized skin).

Using an FTP program:

1. Download the skin that you have customized and want to change the name of.

2. Online, change the name (rename) the skin to what you want it called. For example, I use GlossyBlue for my main skin, so I renamed it GlossyBlue_Main.

3. Upload GlossyBlue again, leaving the name the same. This way, you have all the customizations you've done (fonts, colors, etc.) but you can use it for other blogs if you want.

4. Go to Customize Blog Skin and Install New. Your newly renamed skin will be there. Install it.

5. Change the skin of your blog to your newly installed skin.

I think that's it. :)

Alternatively, if you didn't care about keeping your customizations for that skin, you could just redownload the original from b2evo, upload, and install.

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