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1 May 30, 2009 00:53    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I got problems after migrating from 2.4.5 to 3.2.0
All the pictures i linked to in my posts dont appear anymore, instead i have a strange bug... :

Does someone have a solution, to avoid changing all posts, one by one ?

2 May 30, 2009 01:09

Can you copy the source code of any post here. The b2evo validator kills your image links, so you probably do something wrong.

3 May 30, 2009 01:11

Of course :
example for one image :

<p><em>Des gens avec des pouvoir marchant au milieu de la foule. Non ce n'est pas Heroes. Puisque je vous le dis !</em></p>
<p><img style="vertical-align: middle;" src="" alt="" /></p>

I'm wondering if it is a automatic resizing of the picture problem, cause i tried the same code with images on my server and it worked fine.
Is there a way to disable automatic thumbnailing ?
All seems fine, and the pictures appears when i'm in wysiwyg mode, but if i publish the post, the pictures don't appear.

5 May 30, 2009 11:00

The culprit is the autolinks plugin, which is trying to transform the URLs inside img src= into clickable links. If you deactivate the auto links plugin for the posts that give you proble it will solve it. I know, it's a dirty workaround, I myself have been hunting through my more than 2000 posts for broken images!

6 May 30, 2009 17:49

Fixed in CVS HEAD + v-3-2.

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