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1 Aug 10, 2004 02:49    

Okay, I really don't seem to know anything! Basically, I cannot figure out how to create the initial database. I tried using mySQL, PHP 5.0 and phpMyAdmin and still can't figure it out. I used a third-party tool to connect to my localhost (which is my computer where I was trying to set everything up). After I connected, I created a new database, but it only ends up creating an empty folder in the mySQL data folder. It remains empty until I create a table in there.

Basically, I just want the most basic database that I can use with b2evolution.

Do I need to have mySQL running on my remote website or just have the database file present?

Am I having trouble because I'm trying to set it up on my local computer before uploading it to my website that is hosted elsewhere?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Please keep in mind that I obviously have no idea what I'm doing since I cannot get past the first step.



2 Aug 10, 2004 07:21

You need to have MySQL running.
You need to have a database created and attached to your MySQL host. (This could be done with the MySQL command "create database b2evo" or some such.)

1. Install some sort of web host. (IIS or Apache work great.)
2. Install PHP from
3. Install MySQL from and then create a database. (You don't have to add any tables - an empty database is fine.)
4. Save the b2evolution folder somewhere in your webserver directory
5. Type http://localhost/path/to/b2evolution/blogs/install/index.php in your favorite webbrowser.
6. Follow the instructions.

I really don't seem to know anything!

Please be willing to give that up (not knowing anything, that is.) It might not last ;)

Do this on your webhost:
1. Get a webhost with MySQL and PHP enabled.
2. Get a database created. (Bug your host for this.)
3. Upload the b2evolution.
4. Go to in your favorite web browser.
5. Follow the instructions.
6. Delete your install folder!

3 Aug 10, 2004 07:28

If you take a look at , they have everything you need, for a very reasonable price too... ;)

<end shameless promotion />

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