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1 Feb 16, 2005 23:46    

I would like to be able to send pictures by ataching them to an email. How do i set that up? How do i set it up to recieve email?
thanks in advance.

2 Feb 17, 2005 03:48

Now I haven't done this myself as I don't blog by email but I did notice it while I was delving for other stuff so...

I think you need to edit conf/_advanced.php

Find the section that looks like this or similar

// ** Configuration for htsrv/getmail.php **
// (skip this if you don't intend to blog via email)
# mailserver settings
$mailserver_url = '';
$mailserver_login = '';
$mailserver_pass = 'password';
$mailserver_port = 110;
# by default posts will have this category
$default_category = 1;
# subject prefix
$subjectprefix = 'blog:';
# body terminator string (starting from this string, everything will be ignored, including this string)
$bodyterminator = "___";
# set this to 1 to run in test mode
$thisisforfunonly = 0;

It all seems pretty self explanatory


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