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1 Feb 26, 2005 15:34    

I've been staring at what I think is the PHP code that displays my comments on my blog... but I can't for the life of me, figure out how to change it so that it will alter the look of my comments.

Currently my comment header is:

1. JohnDoe [Visitor] @ says:

and I would LIKE to see this:

? [url=]John Doe[/url] says:

Where do I find such a code and what is the code change? I'm not a php guy, I can only usually make simple edits but this one's got me baffled.

2 Feb 26, 2005 16:15

It's in _feedback.php, to make sure you're in the right file. I'll help later if you haven't worked it out before then.

3 Feb 27, 2005 17:03

Ok, here's what you need to do.

Crack open _feedback.php


				$Comment->author_url( '', ' @ ', '' );
				</cite> says: <br />

And replace it with this:

<a href="<?php $Comment->author_url( '', '', '', false ); ?>"><?php $Comment->author(); ?></a>
</cite> says: <br />

This will still say [visitor] at the end, since removing that requires hacking core files. It can be done, but will need to be done again after each upgrade. This will survive (most) upgrades.

4 Feb 27, 2005 17:38

Thanks, worked perfectly!

5 Mar 04, 2005 13:34

why is it that with this neat little trick, a visitor who does not add their own URL is provided with the sites URL by default?

6 Mar 04, 2005 17:25

That's exactly why I didn't put that in with my modified version of the comments.

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