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1 May 22, 2005 01:43    

I've been going crazy trying to figure out this problem. If you look at my blog you will see that the border separating the main blog with the posts from the right side bar is not lined up correctly (it needs to be moved to the right) to line up with the side bar (and not underneath my posts). I changed the width of the width of the .bSideBar and the .bPosts Can anyone tell me where/how to change this in the custom.css file? I am using the Custom skin. I know it's got to be simple but I just can't find where to edit it in the custom.css file. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

2 May 22, 2005 01:54

After just a quick look, the problem seems to be an IMAGE one

all your sections are fine but your background image for the whole page has a thin grey line and I think it's that line your seeing.


easily edited ( rubbed out ) in any graphic programme

3 May 22, 2005 02:01

Isn't the bg_content.gif the background image for the whole blog main area - with the two black bars on the side the bars on both the far right and far left separating the white from the black gradient to black (the main background)?

4 May 22, 2005 02:32

Yes it is, however, your bPosts ( main content div is 555px wide) , your side bar div is 184 px wide and your background image is divided as follows
from left black border to "thin grey line" is 481 px and from the "thin grey line" to the right side blck line its app 260 px...

5 May 22, 2005 02:45

Oh! I see it now! Last time I looked at the bg_content.gif I didn't see the grey line between the two black lines! Thank you John!!

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