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1 Aug 11, 2005 17:59    

Hi gang - I'm a newbie, trying to figure out how things work

I was playing with the software on the OpenSourceCMS site, trying to get a feel for it before I commit to building my site with it... I noticed that in the CSS sheets, all the colors are defined by three digit codes... I was wondering what those were, because in my experience, HTML uses 6 digit codes to define colors... when I tried changing the "practice" css sheet, I didn't see any changes, and I wondered if this was the reason why... I don't want to use "word" definitions, like "red" because I'm looking to get a bit more nuanced in my color selections....


2 Aug 11, 2005 19:08

You can use a 3-digit code as shorthand, and it basically equates to each digit twice. So, #333 is the same as #333333 and #29C is the same as #2299CC.

I don't recommend doing it this way, because of the potential confusion, but it is technically valid.

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