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1 Nov 21, 2005 03:08    

I've got B2Evolution working and I've got a nice gray WPC skin installed, customized and working for post viewing / comment adding etc. So visitors to my blog all see everything very nicely.

But now I want to change the backend / admin area. My admin / posting area still has brown tabs / brown buttons / brown everything. I hate brown!!!

I've traced files in the admin area. I've renamed all the CSS files in Admin. It's still brown. I'm tearing my hair out. Please help. Where is the CSS that controls the admin / backend / Post Writing areas? In particular, at the top of the Write tab is a brown box that says ":: Editing post #27 in blog: xxx". Where is this color brown set?

Thanks in advance for your kind help!

--- Mark

2 Nov 21, 2005 03:50

There's a javascript style switcher. Look in the top right corner. You can click on it to change the colors without getting into the code. I like the blue one. If you do want to edit the stylesheet, then disable the switcher. That's probably what's throwing you off.

3 Nov 21, 2005 04:56

Thanks very much! Now I see how it's supposed to work.

However, I still have two problems.

1. The setting for the theme ("Legacy") isn't remembered from tab to tab or session to sessions. I can see that it looks like it works via a cookie and I have cookies enabled and added the site to my "always allow cookies" list.

2. The tabs are really slow to refresh in the legacy theme. This seems to be because the "right side of tab" graphic is 9K (vs. 1K for the left side) and it's not being cached by my browser. It's slow enough that I have time to read the file name in the status bar of the browser every time I hover a tab with Legacy selected.

Any ideas?

--- Mark


1. I hacked the skin to be "legacy" by just copying the legacy.css file over the variations.css. Now it's always legacy.

2. The slowness is not present on other systems so it's something about one PC not caching the images.

4 Nov 05, 2006 08:19

I'm wanting to rearrange the way the header looks and add some things. I'm using the legacy skin but I can't find where to change it. Can someone help please. I was able to change it on the previous versions but this 1.8.2 has got me stumped.

5 Nov 06, 2006 09:56

in your skins adminUI.class.php, find a section of code that looks like this and amend it to suit your needs ( approx lines 106 onwards) :-

	 * @return string
	function get_page_head()
		global $htsrv_url, $baseurl, $admin_url, $rsc_url, $Blog;

		$r = '
		<div id="header">

			<div id="headfunctions">
				<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet(\'Variation\'); return false;" title="Variation (Default)">V</a>'
				.'&middot;<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet(\'Desert\'); return false;" title="Desert">D</a>'
				.'&middot;<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet(\'Legacy\'); return false;" title="Legacy">L</a>'
				.( is_file( dirname(__FILE__).'/rsc/css/custom.css' ) ? '&middot;<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet(\'Custom\'); return false;" title="Custom">C</a>' : '' )
				&bull; '
				// Note: if we log in with another user, we may not have the perms to come back to the same place any more, thus: redirect to admin home.
				.'<a href="'.$htsrv_url.'login.php?action=logout&amp;redirect_to='.$admin_url.'">'.T_('Logout').'</a>
				<a href="'.( isset($Blog) ? $Blog->get('url') : $baseurl ).'">'.T_('Exit to blogs').'
					<img src="'.$rsc_url.'icons/close.gif" width="14" height="14" border="0" class="top" alt="" title="'
					.T_('Exit to blogs').'" /></a>

			<div id="headinfo">'.$this->get_head_info().'</div>'

			// Display MAIN menu:

		return $r;


6 Nov 07, 2006 19:16

¥åßßå wrote:

in your skins adminUI.class.php, find a section of code that looks like this and amend it to suit your needs ( approx lines 106 onwards) :-

	 * @return string
	function get_page_head()
		global $htsrv_url, $baseurl, $admin_url, $rsc_url, $Blog;

		$r = '
		<div id="header">

			<div id="headfunctions">
				<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet(\'Variation\'); return false;" title="Variation (Default)">V</a>'
				.'&middot;<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet(\'Desert\'); return false;" title="Desert">D</a>'
				.'&middot;<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet(\'Legacy\'); return false;" title="Legacy">L</a>'
				.( is_file( dirname(__FILE__).'/rsc/css/custom.css' ) ? '&middot;<a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet(\'Custom\'); return false;" title="Custom">C</a>' : '' )
				&bull; '
				// Note: if we log in with another user, we may not have the perms to come back to the same place any more, thus: redirect to admin home.
				.'<a href="'.$htsrv_url.'login.php?action=logout&amp;redirect_to='.$admin_url.'">'.T_('Logout').'</a>
				<a href="'.( isset($Blog) ? $Blog->get('url') : $baseurl ).'">'.T_('Exit to blogs').'
					<img src="'.$rsc_url.'icons/close.gif" width="14" height="14" border="0" class="top" alt="" title="'
					.T_('Exit to blogs').'" /></a>

			<div id="headinfo">'.$this->get_head_info().'</div>'

			// Display MAIN menu:

		return $r;


Cool I'll try it out, Thanks ¥åßßå.

7 Nov 08, 2006 01:27

ok I see, but I'm wondering where some info is hiding.

For example 'this->admin_logo', this->get_head_info(), get_html_menu(). Where does this stuff come from?? I did some changes on the 0.9.1 but things have changed in the last version and now I'm lost! :D

8 Nov 08, 2006 14:50

Your skins adminUI extends the adminUI_general.class.php, which is a really geeky way of saying "anything like $this->a_function() that you don't find in your skins file will be found in the adminUI_general.class.php file" ;)

What you can do is copy the functions from the adminUI_general.class.php [damn that's a mouthful ] into your adminUI.class.php and then amend them at will as well.


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