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1 Jan 09, 2006 23:04    

Hi geniuses,

I've leaf skin (but have the same problem on PLAIN), and I want to make comments author's name linked to the site they fill in the form.
I mean: someone decide to leave a comment; he fills up the fields "name", "email" and "website"; then he writes his comment and submit it. When it shows up, appears only the name, but not linked to anything.

Is it clear? ;)

Thank you,


2 Jan 11, 2006 10:00

$Comment->author('Comment by ','','Comment by ','','htmlbody',true);



3 Jan 11, 2006 12:06

Thank you man, short and full working :D

In order to get this answer comprehensible to the most, I write what I did with that line:

Search for this piece of code in _feedback.php (into your skin dir)

case 'comment': // Display a comment: 
						echo T_('Comment from:') ?> 
					<strong><?php $Comment->author_url('', '<a href="', '">', false); $Comment->author('', '</a>', ' ', '</a>'); ?></strong>

(or something like that: this one is from "PLAIN" skin, but should be very close to all different skins we have);

replace the piece

$Comment->author_url('', '<a href="', '">', false); $Comment->author('', '</a>', ' ', '</a>');


<?php $Comment->author('Comment by ','','Comment by ','','htmlbody',true);  ?>

And you will get author's name linked to website he filled in.

Obviously, thanks to Yabba, my mentor. I've just extended the explanation ;)


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