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1 Jan 25, 2006 04:34    


I'm new to this forum and to blogging really, although I am experienced in web design and a little PHP. Currently, I am building a website that will (hopefully) feature a blog. I like the administration backend of b2evolution, but I'd like to create my own template for my blog. Are there resources somewhere on how to modify the custom template or create my own to match the rest of my site? I took a look at it today and wasn't able to figure out what was what in the custom template.

Thank you for any help!


3 Jan 25, 2006 15:24

Thank you. I will check that out.

But now, what's the difference between a "skin" and a "template?"

Thanks! :D

4 Jan 25, 2006 21:42

nothing that i can see, a skin is a skin and a template is just a word that floats around every now and again.

5 Jan 26, 2006 14:19

balupton wrote:

template is just a word that floats around every now and again.

LOL ... that's funny.


You might find the following a good read regarding templates and skins ;)

For your customization, you probably just need to edit the main template (i.e., _main.php) file for any of the evoSkins in your /skins/skinName folders. (Custom is just one of many evoSkins, although there IS the crude ability to edit THAT ONE skin in via the back office). I'd recommend, instead, to use your html editor of choice and modify the files in the "custom" folder directly.

Hope this helps.

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