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1 Jan 27, 2006 18:39    

I am setting up a blog for out site and I want to use the kubrick2evo skin. I installed the skin from scratch and it looks great however the comments page is off alignment I think and I can't figure out why any ideas? Here is a link to our blog site.

2 Jan 27, 2006 19:35

ok figured out why the alignment is is because there is an error message on the page that isn't word wrapping the error is as follows:

Notice: Undefined variable: oddcomment in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\\blog\blogs\skins\kubrick2evo\_feedback.php on line 121

what is this error? I have only the same files that I unzipped in there with no modifications.

4 Jan 28, 2006 00:24

The problem doesn't happen on the skins site so I'm gonna have to assume it's either a glitch in your files (which can be cured by getting a fresh copy of the zip and replacing the files on your server with the new ones), or something you may have tweaked - if you tweaked anything.

5 Jan 28, 2006 04:04

I thought the same thing thats why I did just what you said I downloaded a fresh copy and deleted the one I had then installed the fresh copy and wham same thing

6 Jan 28, 2006 11:04

_feedback.php, add the red bit and it should cure it :-

if( !defined('DB_USER') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
$oddcomment = '';


7 Jan 30, 2006 16:12

Thank you that fixed it!

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