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1 Mar 04, 2006 14:56    

Hello, I am attempting to add old posts from another blog engine to b2e and having trouble validating the following code:

<span style="margin: 5px; float: left;">
<div align="left"><div style="border: 1px none ; width: 300px; height: 250px;">
<img style="border: 1px solid silver; padding: 5px; float: left; margin-right: 10px;"  ="" src="hiddemann.jpg" align="left">
<br><b><font size="1">lf to rt: </font></b></div></div></span>

It's essentially a picture with border and a small caption. I've managed the following conversion:

<div class="bilder" align="left">
<span class="bilder" align="left" >
<img class="leftmargin" src="hiddemann.jpg" align="left" />lf to rt:</span></div> 

Here is my CSS code:

SPAN.bilder { 
float: left;
margin: 5px
font-family: Verdana;  
font-style: normal; 
font-size: 7pt;  
align: left;

DIV.bilder { 
float: left;
border: 1px none; 
width: 320px; 
height: 255px; 
text-align: left;  
text-indent: 0pt; 
align: left;

img.leftmargin {
	float: left;
        padding: 5px;
	border: 1px solid #c6cbd2;
	margin-right: 10px;
	margin-top: 2px;
	margin-bottom: 2px;

XHTML validator still gives me problems with the new code so in frustration I resorted to turning it off just for this particular post. I've searched through the forum and found similar posts but those solutions didn't help with my code, particularly with editing the formatting.php.

Thanks for any assistance or directions anyones willing to give; I'm just a little new at this :roll:

2 Mar 04, 2006 15:03

The align attribute is not valid xhtml. You can apply float:left in your css to get the same effect.

The src for the image is giving an error, too. If I change it to an absolute url it works. I would think it should work either way.

3 Mar 04, 2006 15:16

Hmm...I guess I gave up too soon, because I passed the validator test :D

Thanks for the amazingly quick response.

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