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1 Apr 04, 2006 06:10    

This isn't a plugin or much of a hack, but it will take care of allowing people to subscribe to your b2evo blog with their favorite reader. I've tried to add as many as possible (at least the readers I've heard of). This script produces a drop down menu that allows the user to subscribe to your feed with the feed reader of their choice.

Paste this in between the <head> and </head> tag in the _main.php file where your skin is.

function land(ref, target)
if (lowtarget=="_self") {window.location=loc;}
else {if (lowtarget=="_top") {top.location=loc;}
else {if (lowtarget=="_blank") {;}
else {if (lowtarget=="_parent") {parent.location=loc;}
else {parent.frames[target].location=loc;};
function jump(menu)
if (splitc!=-1)
else {loc=ref; target="_self";};
if (ref != "") {land(loc,target);}

Add this somewhere in your sidebar (note: you can change the b2evo feed to display the rss2 or atom feed instead of rdf if you prefer). Change the YOURBLOGDOMAIN value (for msn).

<form action="dummy" method="post"><select name="choice" size="1" onChange="jump(this.form)"><option value="">Subscribe with...</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">My Yahoo!</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">My AOL</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>&ru=YOURBLOGDOMAIN">My MSN</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Windows Live</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Google</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Newsgator Online</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Rojo</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Newsburst</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Pluck</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">FeedLounge</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Netvibes</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Bloglines</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">RssFwd</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'atom_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Squeet</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>">FeedBlitz</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>&confirm=no">Feedster</option><option value="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>&img=1">Rss2Pdf</option></select></form>

I think this is a lot nicer looking than to have 5-20 little chicklet buttons for each reader cluttering up your sidebar.

Form is loading...