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1 Sep 03, 2006 00:24    

I would like to see a plugin or a add-in to the program that allows you to sort the way links from the linkblog are displayed on the side panel.

The linkblog page already sorts, but on the side panel of all pages the links seem to be sorted in some bizzare way that goes by date. The catagories of links seem to be placed based upon the order they were created in and the date the link was placed?

I would like to be able to manually arrange the order of the links and catagories that are displayed on the side panel. This would be a real cool plugin. For instance you could use a button to move a catagory up or down. You could then have a button to sort the links alphabetically, by date, or manually move the links up or down in the catagory.

This would really be a cool feature to have since links are a big deal on the blog, and I have no real control over them right now.

What do you all think? If I was a programmer I would do it myself, but I am not. Are there any takers?

I am running the current version of 1.8.1


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