2 haharen Jan 16, 2016 14:02

Maybe , we can't say it as a bug, but really make some functions run incorrectly. I found two more problems as bellow, and at last , I have found how to deal with it.
1. Antispam keyword/phrase can't support Chinese
When I input some Chinese words , It gives me a error as follow:
Illegal mix of collations (ascii_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'(Errno=1267)
FROM evo_comments
WHERE comment_author LIKE '%这是一个禁止的词%'
OR comment_author_email LIKE '%这是一个禁止的词%'
OR comment_author_url LIKE '%这是一个禁止的词%'
OR comment_content LIKE '%这是一个禁止的词%'
ORDER BY comment_date ASC
So, I changed the field 'comment_author_email' in table 'evo_comments', and field 'user_email' in table 'evo_users', from collection 'ascii_general_ci' to 'utf8_general_ci', then it's all right!
2. URL slugs can't support post title in Chinese
When use a Chinese title in my post, URL slugs may change to 'title' or 'title-1' and so on.So it can't deal Chinese properly. I find a way to change Chinese words to it's spelling characters and then use '-' as a separator. So now it's like 'zhe-bu-shi-yi-ge' instead. My way is that:
step 1 Add a class file named _chinesecharacter.class.php into inc/chinese/model/ folder which I created by myself
* PHP 汉字转拼音
* Filename _chinesecharacter.class.php
* @author Jerryli(hzjerry@gmail.com)
* @version V0.20140715
* @package SPFW.core.lib.final
* @global SEA_PHP_FW_VAR_ENV
* @example
* echo ChineseCharacter::encode('阿里巴巴科技有限公司'); //编码为拼音首字母
* echo ChineseCharacter::encode('阿里巴巴科技有限公司', 'all'); //编码为全拼音
class ChineseCharacter {
* 拼音字符转换图
* @var array
private static $_aMaps = array(
'a' => -20319, 'ai' => -20317, 'an' => -20304, 'ang' => -20295, 'ao' => -20292,
'ba' => -20283, 'bai' => -20265, 'ban' => -20257, 'bang' => -20242, 'bao' => -20230, 'bei' => -20051, 'ben' => -20036, 'beng' => -20032, 'bi' => -20026, 'bian' => -20002, 'biao' => -19990, 'bie' => -19986, 'bin' => -19982, 'bing' => -19976, 'bo' => -19805, 'bu' => -19784,
'ca' => -19775, 'cai' => -19774, 'can' => -19763, 'cang' => -19756, 'cao' => -19751, 'ce' => -19746, 'ceng' => -19741, 'cha' => -19739, 'chai' => -19728, 'chan' => -19725, 'chang' => -19715, 'chao' => -19540, 'che' => -19531, 'chen' => -19525, 'cheng' => -19515, 'chi' => -19500, 'chong' => -19484, 'chou' => -19479, 'chu' => -19467, 'chuai' => -19289, 'chuan' => -19288, 'chuang' => -19281, 'chui' => -19275, 'chun' => -19270, 'chuo' => -19263, 'ci' => -19261, 'cong' => -19249, 'cou' => -19243, 'cu' => -19242, 'cuan' => -19238, 'cui' => -19235, 'cun' => -19227, 'cuo' => -19224,
'da' => -19218, 'dai' => -19212, 'dan' => -19038, 'dang' => -19023, 'dao' => -19018, 'de' => -19006, 'deng' => -19003, 'di' => -18996, 'dian' => -18977, 'diao' => -18961, 'die' => -18952, 'ding' => -18783, 'diu' => -18774, 'dong' => -18773, 'dou' => -18763, 'du' => -18756, 'duan' => -18741, 'dui' => -18735, 'dun' => -18731, 'duo' => -18722,
'e' => -18710, 'en' => -18697, 'er' => -18696,
'fa' => -18526, 'fan' => -18518, 'fang' => -18501, 'fei' => -18490, 'fen' => -18478, 'feng' => -18463, 'fo' => -18448, 'fou' => -18447, 'fu' => -18446,
'ga' => -18239, 'gai' => -18237, 'gan' => -18231, 'gang' => -18220, 'gao' => -18211, 'ge' => -18201, 'gei' => -18184, 'gen' => -18183, 'geng' => -18181, 'gong' => -18012, 'gou' => -17997, 'gu' => -17988, 'gua' => -17970, 'guai' => -17964, 'guan' => -17961, 'guang' => -17950, 'gui' => -17947, 'gun' => -17931, 'guo' => -17928,
'ha' => -17922, 'hai' => -17759, 'han' => -17752, 'hang' => -17733, 'hao' => -17730, 'he' => -17721, 'hei' => -17703, 'hen' => -17701, 'heng' => -17697, 'hong' => -17692, 'hou' => -17683, 'hu' => -17676, 'hua' => -17496, 'huai' => -17487, 'huan' => -17482, 'huang' => -17468, 'hui' => -17454, 'hun' => -17433, 'huo' => -17427,
'ji' => -17417, 'jia' => -17202, 'jian' => -17185, 'jiang' => -16983, 'jiao' => -16970, 'jie' => -16942, 'jin' => -16915, 'jing' => -16733, 'jiong' => -16708, 'jiu' => -16706, 'ju' => -16689, 'juan' => -16664, 'jue' => -16657, 'jun' => -16647,
'ka' => -16474, 'kai' => -16470, 'kan' => -16465, 'kang' => -16459, 'kao' => -16452, 'ke' => -16448, 'ken' => -16433, 'keng' => -16429, 'kong' => -16427, 'kou' => -16423, 'ku' => -16419, 'kua' => -16412, 'kuai' => -16407, 'kuan' => -16403, 'kuang' => -16401, 'kui' => -16393, 'kun' => -16220, 'kuo' => -16216,
'la' => -16212, 'lai' => -16205, 'lan' => -16202, 'lang' => -16187, 'lao' => -16180, 'le' => -16171, 'lei' => -16169, 'leng' => -16158, 'li' => -16155, 'lia' => -15959, 'lian' => -15958, 'liang' => -15944, 'liao' => -15933, 'lie' => -15920, 'lin' => -15915, 'ling' => -15903, 'liu' => -15889, 'long' => -15878, 'lou' => -15707, 'lu' => -15701, 'lv' => -15681, 'luan' => -15667, 'lue' => -15661, 'lun' => -15659, 'luo' => -15652,
'ma' => -15640, 'mai' => -15631, 'man' => -15625, 'mang' => -15454, 'mao' => -15448, 'me' => -15436, 'mei' => -15435, 'men' => -15419, 'meng' => -15416, 'mi' => -15408, 'mian' => -15394, 'miao' => -15385, 'mie' => -15377, 'min' => -15375, 'ming' => -15369, 'miu' => -15363, 'mo' => -15362, 'mou' => -15183, 'mu' => -15180,
'na' => -15165, 'nai' => -15158, 'nan' => -15153, 'nang' => -15150, 'nao' => -15149, 'ne' => -15144, 'nei' => -15143, 'nen' => -15141, 'neng' => -15140, 'ni' => -15139, 'nian' => -15128, 'niang' => -15121, 'niao' => -15119, 'nie' => -15117, 'nin' => -15110, 'ning' => -15109, 'niu' => -14941, 'nong' => -14937, 'nu' => -14933, 'nv' => -14930, 'nuan' => -14929, 'nue' => -14928, 'nuo' => -14926,
'o' => -14922, 'ou' => -14921,
'pa' => -14914, 'pai' => -14908, 'pan' => -14902, 'pang' => -14894, 'pao' => -14889, 'pei' => -14882, 'pen' => -14873, 'peng' => -14871, 'pi' => -14857, 'pian' => -14678, 'piao' => -14674, 'pie' => -14670, 'pin' => -14668, 'ping' => -14663, 'po' => -14654, 'pu' => -14645,
'qi' => -14630, 'qia' => -14594, 'qian' => -14429, 'qiang' => -14407, 'qiao' => -14399, 'qie' => -14384, 'qin' => -14379, 'qing' => -14368, 'qiong' => -14355, 'qiu' => -14353, 'qu' => -14345, 'quan' => -14170, 'que' => -14159, 'qun' => -14151,
'ran' => -14149, 'rang' => -14145, 'rao' => -14140, 're' => -14137, 'ren' => -14135, 'reng' => -14125, 'ri' => -14123, 'rong' => -14122, 'rou' => -14112, 'ru' => -14109, 'ruan' => -14099, 'rui' => -14097, 'run' => -14094, 'ruo' => -14092,
'sa' => -14090, 'sai' => -14087, 'san' => -14083, 'sang' => -13917, 'sao' => -13914, 'se' => -13910, 'sen' => -13907, 'seng' => -13906, 'sha' => -13905, 'shai' => -13896, 'shan' => -13894, 'shang' => -13878, 'shao' => -13870, 'she' => -13859, 'shen' => -13847, 'sheng' => -13831, 'shi' => -13658, 'shou' => -13611, 'shu' => -13601, 'shua' => -13406, 'shuai' => -13404, 'shuan' => -13400, 'shuang' => -13398, 'shui' => -13395, 'shun' => -13391, 'shuo' => -13387, 'si' => -13383, 'song' => -13367, 'sou' => -13359, 'su' => -13356, 'suan' => -13343, 'sui' => -13340, 'sun' => -13329, 'suo' => -13326,
'ta' => -13318, 'tai' => -13147, 'tan' => -13138, 'tang' => -13120, 'tao' => -13107, 'te' => -13096, 'teng' => -13095, 'ti' => -13091, 'tian' => -13076, 'tiao' => -13068, 'tie' => -13063, 'ting' => -13060, 'tong' => -12888, 'tou' => -12875, 'tu' => -12871, 'tuan' => -12860, 'tui' => -12858, 'tun' => -12852, 'tuo' => -12849,
'wa' => -12838, 'wai' => -12831, 'wan' => -12829, 'wang' => -12812, 'wei' => -12802, 'wen' => -12607, 'weng' => -12597, 'wo' => -12594, 'wu' => -12585,
'xi' => -12556, 'xia' => -12359, 'xian' => -12346, 'xiang' => -12320, 'xiao' => -12300, 'xie' => -12120, 'xin' => -12099, 'xing' => -12089, 'xiong' => -12074, 'xiu' => -12067, 'xu' => -12058, 'xuan' => -12039, 'xue' => -11867, 'xun' => -11861,
'ya' => -11847, 'yan' => -11831, 'yang' => -11798, 'yao' => -11781, 'ye' => -11604, 'yi' => -11589, 'yin' => -11536, 'ying' => -11358, 'yo' => -11340, 'yong' => -11339, 'you' => -11324, 'yu' => -11303, 'yuan' => -11097, 'yue' => -11077, 'yun' => -11067,
'za' => -11055, 'zai' => -11052, 'zan' => -11045, 'zang' => -11041, 'zao' => -11038, 'ze' => -11024, 'zei' => -11020, 'zen' => -11019, 'zeng' => -11018, 'zha' => -11014, 'zhai' => -10838, 'zhan' => -10832, 'zhang' => -10815, 'zhao' => -10800, 'zhe' => -10790, 'zhen' => -10780, 'zheng' => -10764, 'zhi' => -10587, 'zhong' => -10544, 'zhou' => -10533, 'zhu' => -10519, 'zhua' => -10331, 'zhuai' => -10329, 'zhuan' => -10328, 'zhuang' => -10322, 'zhui' => -10315, 'zhun' => -10309, 'zhuo' => -10307, 'zi' => -10296, 'zong' => -10281, 'zou' => -10274, 'zu' => -10270, 'zuan' => -10262, 'zui' => -10260, 'zun' => -10256, 'zuo' => -10254
* 将中文编码成拼音
* @param string $utf8Data utf8字符集数据
* @param string $sRetFormat 返回格式 [head:首字母|all:全拼音]
* @return string
public static function encode($utf8Data, $sRetFormat = 'head') {
$sGBK = iconv('UTF-8', 'GBK', $utf8Data);
$aBuf = array();
for ($i = 0, $iLoop = strlen($sGBK); $i < $iLoop; $i++) {
$iChr = ord($sGBK{$i});
if ($iChr > 160)
$iChr = ($iChr << 8) + ord($sGBK{ ++$i}) - 65536;
if ('head' === $sRetFormat)
$aBuf[] = substr(self::zh2py($iChr), 0, 1);
$aBuf[] = self::zh2py($iChr);
if ('head' === $sRetFormat)
return implode('', $aBuf);
return implode('', $aBuf);
* 中文转换到拼音(每次处理一个字符)
* @param number $iWORD 待处理字符双字节
* @return string 拼音
private static function zh2py($iWORD) {
if ($iWORD > 0 && $iWORD < 160) {
return chr($iWORD);
} elseif ($iWORD < -20319 || $iWORD > -10247) {
return '';
} else {
foreach (self::$_aMaps as $py => $code) {
if ($code > $iWORD)
$result = $py;
return $result."-";
Step 2
At inc/items/model/_item.funcs.php
on line 20 add
load_class( 'chinese/model/_chinesecharacter.class.php', 'ChineseCharacter' );
on line 330 add
$urltitle = ChineseCharacter::encode($urltitle,"all");
$title = ChineseCharacter::encode($title,"all");
Now, it can deal with the Chinese characters.
@haharen are you familiarized with GitHub? Maybe it would be easier to fork the code and share your fixes made on separated branches.
The dev team has been notified about this issues.
Thank you.
@haharen are you familiarized with GitHub? Maybe it would be easier to fork the code and share your fixes made on separated branches.
The dev team has been notified about this issues.
Thank you.
It's my pleasure, I love b2evolution and very glad to do some efforts.
I am familiar with the GitHub website, but never study the version control skills. Now I guess it's very useful to learn more about it.
Antispam keyword/phrase can't support Chinese