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1 Jun 19, 2005 21:13    

Okay first things first:

1) In Flickr / Account / Your Blogs you have to choose 'BloggerAPI enabled blog'
2) The endpoint is something like this: http://yoursite/xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
Don't use the version in and don't use the version from tor

3) If you get "The endpoint you entered was not correct."; you might want to check the first lines of the xmlrpc.php file. There is a small bug in version and if you don't use the standard folder structure you might want to copy/paste the following:
* Initialize everything:
require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php' );
require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/$xmlsrv_dirout/$core_subdir/_main.php" );

4) You might want to set up a special user for Flickr, but make sure you give him the permission to post *published* posts to the blog you are targetting.

5) By the way, what blog are you targetting? This is the trickiest issue! By default Flickr will post into category #1 which is in most likely in blog "A" (#2). At least this is the default b2evo install.

If you want to post to another category/blog, you must edit /conf/_advanced.php around line 98 and change the following:
# by default posts will have this category
$default_category = 1;

Replace 1 with the number of the category you want to post to.

Using this you will be able to post the Flickr TEST post (from the blogs setup page).

How to make it that you can actually post photo's ?

Flickr uses a lot of css-style in his post.
And b2evo does not like that.

So if you alter the layout in flickr to something like

 <a href="{photo_url}" title="photo sharing"><img src="{photo_src_m}" alt=""  /></a>

than it will work !

Thanks to François and MikkyT for there patient and persistence[/b]

2 Jun 20, 2005 01:50

for flickr styling, I've used the following for the layout:

<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
    <a href="{photo_url}" title="photo sharing"><img src="{photo_src_m}" alt="{photo_title}" /></a>

    <a href="{photo_url}">{photo_title}</a>. Originally uploaded by <a href="{uploader_profile}">{uploader_name}</a>.
    <br />
    <br />

    <br clear="all" />

3 Jun 20, 2005 02:40

Discovered that to do a title you also need to add the this tag to your flickr css layout:


4 Jun 20, 2005 18:52

Unfortunately this doesn't work for me. I've tried Tor's file and the cvs one, and neither are working. I get an endpoint error every time. This is really bugging me, because I want another boys toy to play with!

5 Jun 20, 2005 21:43

don't use the cvs version
and don't use tor's version

use the regular one that is in the 0.9.10 version of the xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
file, like françois is suggesting

6 Jul 10, 2006 17:30

SOmeone was asking questions about flickr earlier...

I've tested the latest flickr updates with the 0.9.2 SPARKLE version of b2evolution, and yes, it still works. I had to put my layout back into flickr, but otherwise it works out of the box. Remember to set the category as described above.

Also, I changed my stylesheet slitghty as flickr sets the descriptions correctly now:

<title>{title}</title><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tr><td width="240px"><a href="{photo_src}" title="{photo_title}"><img src="{photo_src_m}" alt="{title}" /></a></td></tr><tr><td><small>    Originally uploaded by <a href="{uploader_profile}">{uploader_name}</a> at {upload_datetime}.</small></td></tr></table><br />{description}<br clear="all" />

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