2 wacomalt Jan 05, 2009 23:03

I wrote a plugin implementing just this idea. You can find it here: http://cronicaslinuxeras.com/dns_trackback_anti_spam_plugin
Is this plugin compatible with the latest version V3.3.1?
I've noticed in my server logs that many spammers are still trying furiously to leave trackback spam at the default address. Since that address doesn't exist, they simply get 404 errors and try again. I already was using a custom error page, and now I've implemented a method to ban any IP address that repeatedly calls any script in the htsrv directory that generates a server error (e.g., 404 Not Found).
Here's the script: checkban. I call the function checkBan from my error document. I also intend to call it from other scripts (see BlockUntrustedVisitors) .
You'll also need to add something like the following to your .htaccess file to use this custom error page:
ErrorDocument 400 /blog/error.php?400
ErrorDocument 401 /blog/error.php?401
ErrorDocument 403 /blog/error.php?403
ErrorDocument 404 /blog/error.php?404
ErrorDocument 500 /blog/error.php?500
*fake sig removed
I guess that you are 100% right but for the new site developers its is not easy to tackle this problem, for them i have a crap that would help them more,called "crapprotector". This plugin already offers some means to keep trackback spam to a minumum by setting auto-moderation to a specific amount of days. This auto-moderation will also apply to trackbacks.If a trackback item gets auto-moderated, you can approve it inside the Serendipity Administration area like i did for my site *crap removed*, section "Comments".
Additionaly, we have updated the latest version of our Spamblock plugin to filter the current wave of trackback spam. You can fetch the latest version here:*crap removed*
Download the file, save it in your folder plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/ and then your plugin will automatically be updated. You can configure the new options as usual in the Plugin Configuration section.
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Austriaco wrote:
I wrote a plugin implementing just this idea. You can find it here: http://cronicaslinuxeras.com/dns_trackback_anti_spam_plugin
Thanks a lot!
I think thats a great idea, and I need it on my site, as I have been getting TONS of trackback spam recently (42 just today).
how do I set this up?