2 monarch Jul 28, 2007 05:36

Eek sorry I never replied, was never notified... Good work man, just noticed it on your site b2evoskins.com! I love how you made the calendar look, I will be surely downloading it :)
Hello all.
I would like to help you guys.
Let me know what template should i start first.
eBoxNet go for your life, you can do any you want
Here is a [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=12708&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=]request[/url] for skin [url=http://skins.b2evolution.net/index.php?s=nautica&sentence=AND&submit=Search]nautica_2lg[/url] in 2.0. Any one give it a try?
Good luck
Working on [url=http://www.opendesigns.org/preview/?template=703]Free CSS Templates - Emerald[/url], requested by balupton, priority level 1/5, cc 2.5 licence, full html & css
Btw, doing it for b2evo v2.0.x.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007: 11:52pm ACT (ASEAN Common Time)
Uploaded the Phase 1 of porting Emerald Skin to b2evo-v2.0.x.
Live demo -> http://gameshogun.ws/demo
Phase 2: styling the b2evo stuff (which doesn't come with the original design, like tags, categories, dates, etc.)
Going to sleep for now ^_^
That is looking brilliant man!
b2evolution v2.0 Skins
1) Midnight - DL: http://gameshogun.ws/dls/themes/b2evolution_theme-midnight-v2.0.zip (LIVE DEMO: http://gameaddiction.gameshogun.ws )
2) Emerald - DL: http://gameshogun.ws/dls/themes/b2evolution_theme-emerald-v2.0.zip (LIVE DEMO: http://ASEAN.gamgeshogun.ws )
* There might be tweaks and changes per b2evo-v2.0 releases (yep, I'm going to coincide skin tweaking with the releases).
Monarch, I seem to have problems with your "Curiously Green" skin working, it doesn't seem to load the background images...
Laibcoms, brilliant work again!
I have been all over this forum and see that alot of the themes that worked for the 1.10 version wont work for the 2.0.2 alpha version , which is the version I am working with at this time.
I would like to see the theme : ality, andreas_01, nifty blue, nifty green, and nifty red to all be upgraded????
I also have gone to the help manual http://manual.b2evolution.net/Upgrade_Skin_from_0.9.2_to_1.8
which is online and have seen the step by step guide to upgrade a theme from say 1.6 to 1.8 for example but cant seem to find anything to give us not so design savvy (me) the most needed easiest steps to take to upgrade some of these themes that I have mentioned above??
If someone here would be so kind as to go to that live manual and posted
exactly what codes need to be taken out or added in then maybe just
maybe I could attempt to edit out these themes to make them updated for
the new B2 software??
any tips or help would be so greatly appreciated , i did look over your site
Laibcoms, but the theme was of a dark nature and it made it hard for
me to follow along with the steps you have taken to update your theme
of the midnight one I beleive was the theme you had done?
I look forward to any and all help with this request
Just an update.
I'm done upgrading Emerald and Midnight to b2evo v2.2 "Vegas Again".
Get it here: http://webdev.gameshogun.ws/10themes/emerald-and-midnight-themes-now-availabl
Integral skin completed: See announcement: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=69746#69746.
I would like a template the works with my site www.Obamasback.com
so as long as it flows with the site it should be good
I would love to see the City in Evolution skin made for 2.x
I would love to see GlossyBlue as a 3-column skin. Any takers? ;)
I would very much like someone to do a skin look like http://buildingyourown.biz
The .css file is located at http://buildingyourown.biz/css/standard.css
I am the author of the design, so permission is here by granted.
I say this is a p.5 as I would very much like the blog to look like the rest of the site.
Thank you in advance,
I would reallly much enjoy a 3 column template, with a huge center column, with a thema around cinema if someone is willing to...
bebealien wrote:
I would reallly much enjoy a 3 column template, with a huge center column, with a thema around cinema if someone is willing to...
sounded interesting, no promises, but i hope i can pull one out at the weekend..
btw why does everyone likes 2 sidebars (3columns) I know , you have too much to place in those, widgets, ads, info, categories, comments, toplists etc etc , agreed.
However 3 columns design make the content area too small for 1024- resolutions maybe even 1024, and if you dont make a fluid design, what's the use of 3 columns with fixed positions and a long horizontal bar.. Maybe people should consider allocating some source under (and also inside ) the header. Do not ignore that people generally lose their %20-25 percent of their vertical areas to toolbars and features of browsers nowadays, and mostly you would like to have a header with a nice HD picture of 'something', i can see that too but believe me it's not the best idea.. Use your logic and see your website like a wardrobe with everything and not just like a window with 2 frames and a view area.
Finally dont take these advices too serious, i am not an expert or sth, i ve just told my ideas ;) cheers
would anyone be willing to do an update / conversion of the buggug theme from 0.9x era to the current standard?
I'm looking to convert mine, but am running into major problems.. mostly css related though there are still some basic template code issues. I'm pretty much stumped now and don't know what to do next.. so i'm hoping some expert themer can save my style.
a .zip file of the theme can be, as needed, found here (since it seems to be hard to find online right now): www.a4at.com/images/buggub.zip
THANKS much in advance to anyone who may want to take on this challenge.
i wasnt able to reach the original website, however as i got from the screenshot, the skin seems pretty applicable, it wouldnt be that hard to convert or re-create it for 2.x, i d recommend you to roll your sleeves up and get to work, personally i d like to help (if i can) (and everybody else too) in case you get stuck or need help somewhere.cheers, gluck with it
Skin Emerald completed, [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=15914]see here[/url].
If someone have some time, I will be interesting by one of those theme Warcraft theme:
- http://www.lich-king.de/wow-lich-king-wordpress-theme/
- http://demo.templatepanic.com/index.php?wptheme=Warcraft+WoW ([url=http://www.templatepanic.com/files/Warcraft-WoW.zip]download[/url])
- http://wordpress.mu/754.html
- http://wordpress.mu/1459.html
- http://www.nupxl.com/wordpress-themes/world-of-warcraft-wp-theme.html
I would just like to create a template that i can able to edit the banner and CSS. A simple to column just like my homepage (or exactly the same as my homepage)
So everything on my site have the same theme.
Update: Its ok now.. Just ignore it. :) Peace!
OK...just found this section of the site...
http://www.thehorizontalway.com/ has a template of a horizontally scrolling site you can download here... http://www.thehorizontalway.com/download/THW_template_0.8.zip
If someone could get the code working for b2evo...I can do all of the css stuff...
I'd like this sort of quickly if possible maybe 3/5 or 2/5...
Works Great!
cherryblossom will be fun. v331 eh? Drag but yeah sure. Anyway I PMd you already but whatever. I like to write the same thing twice after I already wrote it once.
The script in the top is funky looking. I doubt it'll be needed cuz it seems to talk about NS4. er... what would be the reason to care about that browser? But I'll test in FF3 and IE7 and Chrome(?) and Opera10 and maybe something else. The header will work as you see it in the sample.
But I got this factory thing I do is the thing. Seems like I'm always doing this factory thing but they give me money if I do enough of it so its kinda cool. In a "sell you soul for lunch money" sort of way.
The version we are working with on my blog is 3.3.0. I didn't get the 3.3.1
I appreciate it if you could make it work for me. I'm totally out of my league with php.
Dying for a skin integration x.x
via PM EdB wrote:
No promises, but I think I'll look into this in the next week. Once I pop open files I'll know very quick if I can do it quick or slow. If slow I'll beg off. Else it'll be fun.
I'm not much on mixing regular web with blog app but maybe...
More likely I'll see about a method to reach the goal using the files provided in a pure b2evo environment. v331 even though I think it is a bug-filled spam-riddled POS :(
3 days ago. I also gave you my email address but you opted to PM me again then bump this thread. So let's get something clear okay? NEXT WEEK doesn't mean tomorrow. An email address exists for a reason. Bumping your own thread is never polite.
I have a job. I need my job. I work my ass off at my job. 12 hours, at night. My weekend just started. Is it a week after I said next week? I didn't think so. Have I had any time to crack open files and take a quick look? I didn't think so. Have I told you "yeah this'll be easy" or "I can't make this happen"? I didn't think so.
EdB wrote:
cherryblossom will be fun. v331 eh? Drag but yeah sure. Anyway I PMd you already but whatever. I like to write the same thing twice after I already wrote it once.
The script in the top is funky looking. I doubt it'll be needed cuz it seems to talk about NS4. er... what would be the reason to care about that browser? But I'll test in FF3 and IE7 and Chrome(?) and Opera10 and maybe something else. The header will work as you see it in the sample.
But I got this factory thing I do is the thing. Seems like I'm always doing this factory thing but they give me money if I do enough of it so its kinda cool. In a "sell you soul for lunch money" sort of way.
I mean.. You said you looked at them. Else you would have never known there was script for Netscape 4...
I was simply wondering if you made any progress is all. I think maybe by the lack of support for this product I should have known to just steer clear from it. Place has the shottiest wiki I've ever seen.
I had no idea by wondering if anything new was up with it I'd get a rant over it. SORRY.
Seeing as you only appear to need a single blog, maybe evo is a smidge overkill for you? You might like to look at [url=http://wordpress.org]wordpress[/url] ... its forum is also staffed by volunteers who provide help free of charge when they have the available time but there's more of them for you to berate whilst asking for assistance? ... surely you couldn't piss them all off before you get a solution
oh yeah that's right. Opened 'em up to see what the script was you mentioned as valuable. And yeah if all you'll need is one blog then a uniblog app might be worthy eh? But I thought you were stuck with an upgrade that didn't go well?
Got it mostly working until I looked at other browsers. IE is really bad, chrome and opera have a 2 pixel shift in opposite directions. After figuring out how to do it without re-using id-layer1 and without using position:absolute (which always messes with my mind) I'm probably gonna have to put the whole content shebang in an absolutely positioned div to stop all the browsers from not playing nice.
To make it b2evo-friendly and still quite faithful to the original design it has a container in the top that on default will hold a bloglist, and the menu you show is the ... something container that has some links in it. Only the tagline in the middle of the header area for one line of text in italics though.
Turning the posts and sidebar into your right and left was the easiest part.
Sometimes on my weekends I stay up all day the first day off. This seems like a good one to do that one as my "paying" job is getting close to crunch time and I actually do like this skin and the motivation behind it. Sappy girly stuff, but hey it's cool.
Anyway after a quick *functional* look I'm pretty damned certain I can have this done in a reasonable time frame. Details await like the handful of disp=whatever pages and like the feedback form, but when the posts popped into the right and the sidebar bits popped in the left with the header image thing I thought "yay".
cherryblossom is done. not 100% like the original. The way b2evo is coded, doing the shadow of the titles in the sidebar isn't gonna happen. It can, but since not everything has a title or something under the title it looks kinda lame. Plus the footer is inside the main content area so I shifted it to black text. I'll put up a demo if you're still interested after I get the dog some quality time and some sleep.
¥åßßå wrote:
Seeing as you only appear to need a single blog, maybe evo is a smidge overkill for you? You might like to look at [url=http://wordpress.org]wordpress[/url] ... its forum is also staffed by volunteers who provide help free of charge when they have the available time but there's more of them for you to berate whilst asking for assistance? ... surely you couldn't piss them all off before you get a solution
I didn't berate anyone. I talked smack about the wiki here and lack of support for the product. And you aren't either of those things. I was simply stating my frustration with a product release with absolutely no support on how to skin it like the first version did. Sure the wiki is user contributed, but shouldn't the makers of this provide some type of support themselves? Everyone else does. And that was my beef. Had nothing to do with you or anyone contributing here in this forum as users and people who spend their time on this product, which it's clearly needed since the proprietors of the product seem missing somewhere in that endeavor.
That is my clarifacation for you, if you wish to argue about it, I don't have time for it. Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics, even if you win, you are still a ******.
And I appreciate your time and effort on my request EdB. I don't know about your buddy Yabba, but I didn't intend to piss anyone off. I just wanted to know how things were going. I never once hounded you like ''Where is it? Why isn't it done yet?'' like some noob. But you guys can see it as you like, I just wanted to know if it was working or how it was coming along if you had even worked on it yet. I had no idea it would piss you off, so sorry once again. And sure, I'd love to see how it works now. I'm really anxious to get this thing working again so my wife can enjoy her blog and the functionality of her web site.
sinthetix wrote:
That is my clarifacation for you, if you wish to argue about it, I don't have time for it. Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics, even if you win, you are still a ******.
First pestering, now insulting. Great. Gotta love a guy who bites off more than he can chew, asks for free help, then pesters and insults those who offer it.
If you want to argue that then piss off.
http://wonderwinds.com/sarahdecker_247.jpg and http://wonderwinds.com/sarahdecker_331.jpg
If you like them, and to some degree I don't, I'll brand it and zip it up and put it on the skins page after you get it first. I'd also need to know who you want credit as the theme designer for. saradecker.tk or sinthetik.net or 'Sinthetik Industries' linked to either of those or nothing or what.
The thing I don't like about it is that I put absolutely no effort into the actual post loop. It is the 'custom' skin's version of post loop because it was the 'custom' skin's index.main.php a while back.
I should have done the screen shot when falling leaves were visible at the source but I'll tell ya straight up they are not beginning at the same exact point. Close but not exactly. Actually I guess I could have gotten pixel-perfect lucky, but I doubt it.
BTW the skin is fully compatible back to v2.4.5 which currently covers all the non-deprecated releases in v2.* and everything in v3.* which ought to work quite well for everyone out there. The reason for 2 screen shots is "one for v247, one for v331". Your v330 should be like the second link assuming b2evo really is compatible with it's own "-disclaimer" releases ;)
Another bug in the v3 generation (surprise). The post displayed in the screen shot is a stock post that I turned into a featured post just to see how that went. It is still willing to list categories, yet it doesn't show the category the post is in. Either show the cat or don't show the block that shows cats when showing a featured post eh?
It looks great EdB. It looks about 100 times more seemless than the version 1 B2Evo that I tried to skin. Some of the elements in version 1 really didn't want to match up at all.
I don't have my own design site finished yet so I wasn't linking the footer to anything just placing the tag Sinthetik Industries at the bottom of all of the pages.
It looks great, I appreciate your time EdB.
sinthetix wrote:
That is my clarifacation for you.
Thanks, but I understood the first time round :D
sinthetix wrote:
if you wish to argue about it, I don't have time for it. Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics, even if you win, you are still a ******.
Whole heartedly agree :D
sinthetix wrote:
It looks great EdB. It looks about 100 times more seemless than the version 1 B2Evo that I tried to skin. Some of the elements in version 1 really didn't want to match up at all.
I don't have my own design site finished yet so I wasn't linking the footer to anything just placing the tag Sinthetik Industries at the bottom of all of the pages.
It looks great, I appreciate your time EdB.
He's a bit slow, you have to make allowances for his age you understand ... but he's not half as grumpy as me some days ;)
EdB wrote:
If you want to argue that then piss off.
See :roll:
Omfg. You found the pic! Roflcopter!
So then it'll be "designed by (not linked) Sinthetik Industries, ported by (linked) your daughter's first"?
Assuming you're going forward with using that domain name I'd link it because the skin will still be there after you open up shop is the thing. But it's your call.
And the "looks exactly like custom" is okay for the posts loop?
EDIT: or something like that. Cuz, you know, might not have actually been her first ;)
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I've no daughter. Sarah is my Wife o.O
It doesn't need to be linked yet. I can find the text in the html and link it eventually when I get the site finished and uploaded for my design site.
uh... yeah I kinda new that. When I zip up the skin it won't say "ported by your daughter's first" is what I meant. Theme by you, ported by me. Me being your daughter's first. Get it? Like "lecherous frikkin prevert on a public forum"? never mind :(
You will eventually find the text in index.main.php - no html files involved :)
The thing is everyone else that might use that skin won't know to update the links. Cuz see I'll credit my business web for porting even though it is 70% lorem ipsum. But hey the intent is one day I find some time where I'm not working on something else and feel like working on the web that in theory will make me some lunch money some day.
I'm gonna think a bit about SIMPLE changes to how a post is presented (the posts loop) on both multi and single post pages, MAYBE try to make it seem a bit nicer, then zip it up and call it a day.
I will PM you a link to the .zip before I put this day to rest.
I appreciate your time and I understand now about the ported part now. At first I didn't understand what you were trying to convey.
Well I installed the skin and set it. It's working great!
I've dug around a little bit through the Admin section of the B2Evo control panel and figured out how to set the widgets to get the menu links that I want and it's working great.
I can't thank you enough EdB!!! It's awesome and 1,000 times better than the version 1.0 attempt I made!!!
Hey All.
This is Jenny, I would like to share for designing part of any skins or CSS. the cascading style sheets are very important for skin creation. the background or common feature those are selected via CSS can be stored forever untill you logged in. this can not be done through XHTML. the html works for designing but in session style sheet creation should be done through CSS system. it is very easy to develop a style sheet and to involve it with any page. once the CSS is created, we can use it at every pages in our website by just attaching that CSS file. Templates is very easily created through HTML or HTML editor. Thank you.
I like and appreciate the work done by you.Its very nice....
Hello all.
I would like to help you guys.
Let me know what template should i start first.
charchilp wrote:
Hello all.
i am a big a** spammer
I hope you die :-/ or even better get killed.. brutally, and by you, i mean all the spammers inc you
*my crap removed
Thanks for the information, u gave toooooo much links
hello i also want to know about this
if you get any information please email me at
The table above also indicates how the blog to be displayed is chosen. The skin that will be used, is the default skin for that weblog, as selected in the settings for that weblog.
software companies
Hi I am interested in a 3 column template/skin just like this one for wordpress.
I tried to modify the "custom" skin and ended up in problems like this
I modified the custom skin as per example of another skin, but I guess it is not working out the same. Could anybody help me, or point to me in the right direction. Those vertical lines/ borders are not good, I think if they are deleted it would look better.
Ok I Fixed the vertical lines by eliminating the bg_content.gif and the other image files from the css.
Now only the horizontal lines that go across the entire page need to be eliminated. Any ideas?
I would like to share for designing part of any skins or CSS. the cascading style sheets are very important for skin creation. the background or common feature those are selected via CSS can be stored forever untill you logged in. this can not be done through XHTML.
In 2012
I'm giving the [url=http://www.oswd.org/design/preview/id/3027]Curiously Green[/url] skin a try. Started today, here is the current progress: http://www.b2evoskins.com/index.php?blog=6&skin=curiously_green
I'm no css/html expert, but i think it's turning out pretty good so far. I'll submit it when its finished.
It's done! [url=http://www.b2evoskins.com/index.php?blog=5&title=curiously_green_1_0&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1]Click here[/url] to download it!
Not an exact copy, but a few changes were necessary. Hope you guys like it! I also submitted it to b2evolution.net.