2 sam2kb May 30, 2009 01:09

Of course :
example for one image :
<p><em>Des gens avec des pouvoir marchant au milieu de la foule. Non ce n'est pas Heroes. Puisque je vous le dis !</em></p>
<p><img style="vertical-align: middle;" src="http://a69.g.akamai.net/n/69/10688/v1/img5.allocine.fr/acmedia/rsz/434/x/x/x/medias/nmedia/18/67/90/60/19040362.jpg" alt="" /></p>
I'm wondering if it is a automatic resizing of the picture problem, cause i tried the same code with images on my server and it worked fine.
Is there a way to disable automatic thumbnailing ?
All seems fine, and the pictures appears when i'm in wysiwyg mode, but if i publish the post, the pictures don't appear.
This is a bug, I can replicate it in [url=http://test.b2evolution.net/HEAD/blogs/admin.php?login=admin&pwd=demopass]b2evo DEMO[/url].
I moved the topic to the bugs section.
EDIT: I know it doesn't solve the problem, let's wait for smart heads to come with the solution ;)
The culprit is the autolinks plugin, which is trying to transform the URLs inside img src= into clickable links. If you deactivate the auto links plugin for the posts that give you proble it will solve it. I know, it's a dirty workaround, I myself have been hunting through my more than 2000 posts for broken images!
Fixed in CVS HEAD + v-3-2.
Can you copy the source code of any post here. The b2evo validator kills your image links, so you probably do something wrong.