2 sam2kb Jul 27, 2009 06:50

Thank you so much for taking a look. I really want this feature, and I think the developers of the core might want to consider a mail management feature of B2 (similar to that of your mail plugin)
They do consider it, but it's not on top of their todo list.
sam2kb wrote:
They do consider it, but it's not on top of their todo list.
I didn't think so. Great plugin though, I used it weekly before. Now I can't use it, because my users have grown to nearly 7,000 and I don't want my server to crash trying to execute this script. (I think I might need a faster server, or two ) ;)
mochababy wrote:
I think I might need a faster server, or two
I just have to add an option to limit the number of emails and break the process. :)
sam2kb wrote:
mochababy wrote:
I think I might need a faster server, or two
I just have to add an option to limit the number of emails and break the process. :)
I would be perfect if you could break the process and then continue from your stop point later. Like maybe a certain number of emails sent, and then later it will resume from the stop point. Don't know how that's possible but it looks like you do and you are wise beyond my limited coding wits. Thanks again for looking into it! Looking forward to your updates!
I like the idea, it shouldn't be hard to extend the Mail sender plugin for this.
I'll take a look at it when I get some free time.