2 sam2kb Mar 05, 2012 03:12

This is the first time i see this.Instead of blog list, introduce it as a "menu" plugin.
An option for start level (and maybe end level ?) would be good i guess;
"Browse Blogs" or instead of it start directly with blog list, or ignore blog list and start from main cats.
And finally we could spice it up a little bit with some jquery effects,
Thanks for the input. The plugin was not supposed to go public that's the reason why it looks a bit ugly :)
I might add more options in the next release.
I totally forgot about this widget, but its very cool ! I am now using this instead of Afwas' sorted blog plugin.
I wanna ask is there a "has_children" like "no_children" so we can add class and sth like an arrow to parent elements to say the category has children ?
Plugin updated
- Added "has_cats" class to categories/blogs with children
sam2kb wrote:
Plugin updated
- Aded "has_cats" class to categories/blogs with children
thanks..by the way i added "level0-1" etc. to each ul, you could add that to default settings, and also "shortname" for blogs.Finally sorting the blogs manually like Afwas' widget.These would be good additions i think.
Also i noticed that the if you do not add a widget title, all lists are hidden by default.i added ul.root to display first one.I think the widget title should not be used as "menu opener" anyway.
by the way i think your plugin ignores "show this blog in public blogs" setting.All the blogs are shown those are not public listed too.
I am trying myself to get a param to choose which blogs do you want to be shown. But no luck for moment
Yeah, I should add some settings for blog selection. Meantime you can edit line 111
$BlogCache->load_public(); // get public blogs only
$BlogCache->get_by_ID(34); // get only one blog #34
I have "" quotes in my content so the href title is closed already by them, therefore causing validation errors.
<div class="BlogListWgt"><ul class='root'><li><a title="Some quote desc "Actual quote: Bayraklari bayrak yapan üstündeki kandir."">...
Is there a bug in the code?
eh, nvm, i just used htmlspecialchars to avod it
Ok, I see wht you mean now.
format_to_output( $title, 'htmlattr' );
yup, that's better.
@sam2kb wrote:
Ok, I see wht you mean now.
format_to_output( $title, 'htmlattr' );
@sam2kb wrote:
This widget displays a nested menu of blogs and their categories.
This plugin works only in b2evolution version 4.x, if you are still using an older version, you should get the latest and greatest asap ;)
Download v1.1.0 http://www.sonorth.com/travel/download/YZIHKYP4UM
As far as I'm concerned, I'm fine with it as it is. But still looking forward to your next release, I wonder what you have in mind and I'll find out in due time of course.
I'll just offer as comments that I took out the special character that looks like this 'Â' in the blog_list.css - this was the original line #13 .BlogListWgt .has_cats > a:before { content: "» " !important }
and this is how it is now .BlogListWgt .has_cats > a:before { content:" »" !important }
It says it is important, how grave was my transgression? Because I really like the way it looks without that character.
I also changed the blog listing from 'All' to 'Public' it worked fine because that's the way I wanted it. For the whole list of blogs and for a couple of years now, I think, I have it installed and working again - after a couple of minor changes due to the 'blog title' array 'label' (Line 93 of _am_bloglist.plugin.php) naming convention change in new B2Evo version upgrade (3X I think) and the other on the order - changed it from 'description, title' to 'title, description' - this is the original plugin.
AM Bloglist http://b2evo.astonishme.co.uk/plugins.php?s=am_bloglist
18th Jan 2008 ¥åßßå AM Bloglist v. 1 by AstonishMe Team
System requirements : b2evolution version : 2.xFinally you can control your bloglist directly from the admin area with this shiny new plugin brought to you by the AM Team. No longer do you need to hack the core files to achieve the results you require.
I'm still very satisfied with it.
Back to your plugin, it works fine in latest versions of Firefox, Seamonkey, Chrome, but in IE v7, on hover the child is on top of the parent partially and the subchild does the same(I downgraded because v9 was problematic and v8 also has 'issues') Also, the ' »' character does not show in IE (I really do not care for this browser and I do not take too much time to fix its issues (IMHO, IE users should use a real browser)) But, if and when I have some time to spare, I kind of give it a half effort to resolve the issues and if it is too much work, well 'fi'
In any event, I'll be tinkering with the 'hover' properties such as 'float left/right', 'offset position', etc. (CSS?)
And finally, a question: Though I do not know much about PHP, I think that in theory your plugin with modifications can be used as a menu list for 1. posts and 2. comments, do you think it is possible? (I've wanted such a plugin for a couple of years and I'd truly appreciate any suggestions you could offer.)
Thank you so much for all the hard-good work you do, I do love and appreciate B2Evolution, enormously.
Warm regards,
This plugin provides basic <ul> -> <li> structure and just enough CSS for the nested lists to work, you should customize the styles yourself.
Quoting my third post: "The plugin was not supposed to go public that's the reason why it looks a bit ugly :)"
I'll just offer as comments that I took out the special character that looks like this 'В' in the blog_list.css - this was the original line #13 .BlogListWgt .has_cats > a:before { content: "В» " !important }
This code adds a double arrow character to parent categories, as shown on the screenshot. You can safely remove the whole line in CSS.
And finally, a question: Though I do not know much about PHP, I think that in theory your plugin with modifications can be used as a menu list for 1. posts and 2. comments, do you think it is possible? (I've wanted such a plugin for a couple of years and I'd truly appreciate any suggestions you could offer.)
See if the Universal item list widget can be placed in the menu container.
See if the Universal item list widget can be placed in the menu container.
Thanks, this ought to be lots of fun; no seriously, a chance to try and learn more about practical PHP and B2Evo. Will report back when.... ?
By the way, I've been trying to make my Dewplayer plugin to work again and I haven't figured out yet why it doesn't anymore; for what I can see in the code, there is no reason why it shouldn't. Anyway, will keep on trying to see if I can detect if the upgrade (Fresh reinstall to v-4.1.5) Has anything to do with it.
@sam2kb, thank you for the advice and well, I decided to go at it the right way by really starting to learn PHP and related stuff in order to start building on others' work, like trying to update the great plugins you guys coded previously and that are in need of an update. It will be good practice and a great learning tool.
I truly appreciate the topics, questions and answers in this forum that you have been having with tilqicom, I find them very informative now and I'm sure will be very helpful down the road.
@tilqicom, great questions and also very helpful answers.
I just installed the needed programs for this new project of mine and I think I'm all set to start learning, beginning with the very basics to set a good foundation. (Below are the abbrev. specs of my brand new tools & further down a little more - I think the list is complete for a beginner like me)
Wampserver (32 bits & PHP 5.3) 2.2E, Apache 2.2.22 – Mysql 5.5.24 – PHP 5.3.13 XDebug 2.1.2 XDC 1.5 PhpMyadmin SQLBuddy 1.3.3 webGrind 1.0
One question, I want to install B2Evo for my Local Host, do I install it in a location under my Web server document root for it to run?
Thanks to both and have a great time, Holidays or whatever, or however you celebrate, if you do; in any event, best wishes for great successes.
Database server
Server: localhost (localhost via TCP/IP)
Software: MySQL
Software version: 5.5.24-log - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Protocol version: 10
User: root@localhost
Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
Web server
Apache/2.2.22 (Win32) PHP/5.3.13
Database client version: libmysql - mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Id: ..... $
PHP extension: mysqli
Version 5.3.13
Version information: 3.5.1, latest stable version: 3.5.5
Hi Sam, greetings.
2 things:
1. I have been trying to figure out if there is a way to insert a '<br>' or a '<p>' at the end of the block, the reason for it is that when added, the widget below it is written in the same line, hence, it is pushed to the right and I was wondering if it is possible to have the Blog List widget end the line so the next one is below it and not after it, and if so, what should I add and where? (Have not messed with it yet)
2. Due to the layout of some skins I'll be using, I wanted the menu's children to hover left, so I changed line 11 of the blog_list.css from this:
.BlogListWgt ul ul { left:120px; top:0; border-top:1px solid #ccc; z-index: 5 }
To this:
.BlogListWgt ul ul { left:-180px; top:0; border-top:1px solid #ccc; z-index: 5 }
While it is still a bit off, I'll refine it but it meets my needs.
So now, I have a question, the special HTML character to denote the 'children', can't quite make it work in all browsers, I tried different ways, including entering the values in Dec, Hex, Symbol, Number & Name but none seem to work. I sure could use some hints if you were to be kind enough to help me.
If you had the customary celebration for this time of the year, hope it was a good one.
Thank you so much.
Plugin updated to v1.0.0