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1 Mar 20, 2005 07:47    

My blog is using the custom skin. I would like to move the sidebar, which by default is on the right, to the left. How do I do that?

Thanks in advance.

2 Mar 20, 2005 09:46

open custom.css
search for
/* Styles for sidebar (right) */
.bSideBar {
width: 259px;
float: right;

overwrite that with


thats it



3 Mar 20, 2005 15:34

Thanks, but that doesn't seem to work. I actually tried that before my original post. That seemed like the logical change.

After reading your reply, I tried the same change and even verified it by viewing the CSS code via Firefox's Web Developer Extension.

It doesn't seem to matter if the float is set to left or right in .bSideBar of custom.css. I see no change while viewing my blog.

Any other suggestions?

Does anyone out there have a blog with the custom skin and a left sidebar that could provide me a link so that I can view your CSS?

Thanks again.

5 Mar 20, 2005 21:30

Thanks, that helps. :)

But now I've got some other formatting issues.

There's a thin vertical line going right through my post content, which used to be the divider beteen my posts and the sidebar. I need to figure out how to move that line to the left as well.

It also has some other misc. things that don't look right with only b.sideBar set to "right" and b.Posts set to "left" in the custom.css file. I'm going to take some time and try and figure out what is going on. I think I might also try and just find another skin with the sidebar on the left.

In the meantime, if anyone has actually converted their custom skin to have a left sidebar, please let me know. I'd like to see the changes you had to make.

6 Mar 20, 2005 21:52

The line is the background image. You'll need to edit that to move the line.

7 Dec 21, 2005 03:44

for lazy people:

Overwrite the files in the folder: skins/custom, with those contained in the following zip archive:

What is changed:
bg_content.gif -> has been flipped horizontally
cutom.css -> bSideBar -> style -> float -> has been switched to left
cutom.css -> bPosts -> style -> float -> has been switched to right

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