2 personman Jul 14, 2006 15:31

I've seen the plain white screen too, and I know my server is set up to show errors. The "cure" I found is to hit the reload button. Simple, but it seems to work. I wonder why it didn't click for me that this is a bug of some kind?
This is what happened to me when I tried to install a Plugin (SpellChecker)
Refresh or back button clears it but doesn't stop it happening. !
I'm not on the dev team and I don't speak for them, but I think some detailed investigative work is in order here.
Which plugin did you install when you got white-out?
Is your 1.8 the official "1.8 Summer beta" or are you tinkering with CVS?
Were you able to get the page to properly load, and if so how?
What other plugins have you installed (successfully), if any?
MAYBE type of server, but I always slink away when people ask about server stuff because all I know is that my server is the type that serves up web pages :lol:
I fix machines for a living. Million dollar machines doing billion dollar jobs. I know jack about code, but I know beyond doubt that a problem that doesn't always repeat is the hardest thing in the world to remove. Information is the only way the dev team will be able to nail this thing. Assuming it's a bug!
personman wrote:
The reason you're seeing a white screen is that your server is configured to not display PHP errors. When that happens to me it gives an error message that tells what file and what line in that file is causing the problem. Edit your php.ini file to display errors and you'll be able to track down the problem.It should be no surprise that code from CVS has bugs. You should be using the [url=http://b2evolution.net/news/2006/07/09/b2evolution_1_8_summer_beta_released]beta[/url] if you want something stable.
The error thing is probably true and I will probably look into it later today, but about the CVS thing, I get this problem using the 1.8 beta downloaded from the b2evo site, not CVS. I only tried CVS versions to see if it might already have been fixed. Maybe turning on errors will shed more light, but I wanted to make sure you knew what version it affected.
EdB wrote:
I'm not on the dev team and I don't speak for them, but I think some detailed investigative work is in order here.
Which plugin did you install when you got white-out?
Is your 1.8 the official "1.8 Summer beta" or are you tinkering with CVS?
Were you able to get the page to properly load, and if so how?
What other plugins have you installed (successfully), if any?MAYBE type of server, but I always slink away when people ask about server stuff because all I know is that my server is the type that serves up web pages Laughing
I fix machines for a living. Million dollar machines doing billion dollar jobs. I know jack about code, but I know beyond doubt that a problem that doesn't always repeat is the hardest thing in the world to remove. Information is the only way the dev team will be able to nail this thing. Assuming it's a bug!
Ed, the three affected plugins are:
personman wrote:
The reason you're seeing a white screen is that your server is configured to not display PHP errors. When that happens to me it gives an error message that tells what file and what line in that file is causing the problem. Edit your php.ini file to display errors and you'll be able to track down the problem.It should be no surprise that code from CVS has bugs. You should be using the [url=http://b2evolution.net/news/2006/07/09/b2evolution_1_8_summer_beta_released]beta[/url] if you want something stable.
I just wanted to let you know that I tried to enable errors and they are already enabled. I remembered that I do see errors occasionally in other scripts, but I've only ever seen an error when trying to load the GoogleSpell plugin. I do believe that errors are enabled, maybe b2evo is suppressing them somehow?
I was wrong. Not for the first time and not for the last. And since you're not the only one seeing this, something must really be up.
I guess it's a memory_limit issue.
Try setting it to 10M or 12M (instead of the default 8M) in your php.ini.
About the white screen:
personman is probably right.
Please make sure you have:
error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = on
in your php.ini.
error_reporting = E_ALL &~ E_NOTICE (which is the default probably) should also work, because this is a fatal error.
With display_errors = off you'd have to look into your server's error log (given that log_errors is on).
It may not be a memory_limit thing, but a "Call to undefined function" also.
The memory_limit of 8M (megabytes) seems to get hit especially when installing plugins, because it uses some more "expensive" functions like token_get_all() to parse the plugins PHP file.
I'll look into reducing the memory that b2evo uses. "8M should be enough for everyone"! ;)
Well, blueyed beat me to it! I'll still post what I was going to say anyway.
Problems when accessing the settings of "Calendar Skin Tag" with the de
Akismet & YouTube
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in /var/www/kyleblog/inc/_misc/_plugins.class.php on line 2399
BB code, Transport optimizer, & Bookmarklet
White-out page
I'm starting to think that this is a memory problem, that second message is pretty descript. It seems like no matter which plugins I install, eventually it will start doing the same thing. Maybe someone can shed some more light on this?
It may be useless, but I'll ask anyway. Would it help to delete (from the server) plugins you'll never use? For example on my blog I have no intention of using bbcode, bookmarklet, dnsbl_antispam, gmcode, ldap, textile, texturize, wacko, and wikilinks. Obviously each user will have their own list of "not for me" plugins, but my point is would it help alleviate a memory issue if b2evolution never had to think about plugins a blog owner has no intention of using?
EdB: partly.. I've just seen that Plugins::discover uses quite some memory (3,6MB on my local test install).
Unfortunately, Plugins::discover gets called in v-1-8 _always_ on the Plugins admin page, even if you do not display the list of available plugins (that should get fixed in 1.8.1 and is already in HEAD).
For normal operations, it does not matter, if you have uninstalled plugins.
Just to let everyone know, I have upped my memory to 12MB and everything is going well now. I can't find any problems at this point and I currently have all of the plugins I want to use installed. Thank you for your help Blueyed and all others who contributed!
A patch would be nice, since I don't have access to increase the memory size. :|
mrdav, try adding
ini_set( 'memory_limit', '12M' );
in /conf/_basic_config.php.
blueyed - Thanks, worked great.
I made a test comment, and noticed it needed to be approved. I couldn't find a control for changing this after a cursory look. Does anybody know right-off how?
I'm assuming that
ini_set( 'memory_limit', '12M' );
is just added "as is" anywhere in the basic_config.php page??
Go to the blog settings, then the advanced sub-tab. Set the default comment status to Published instead of Draft.
Thanks, personman. I just overlooked the dropdown before, I guess.
blueyed, excellent Captchas. :lol:
John, yeah, just drop it in. ;)
I have had this same problem but for me it happens when I try to show a post with a lot of trackbacks (more then 500). My memory limit is 16M but I still get the white page and the "Allowed memory exhausted" error message in the log.
voidtrance, sorry to hear this. But we're definately having memory issues with 1.6+.
You may want to set memory_limit to -1 to disable it or to something like 32M.
blueyed wrote:
voidtrance, sorry to hear this. But we're definately having memory issues with 1.6+.
You may want to set memory_limit to -1 to disable it or to something like 32M.
Just to specify, the version that I am using is 1.8-beta "Summer Beta". I will try the 32M to see whether it help and report back.
blueyed wrote:
mrdav, try adding
ini_set( 'memory_limit', '12M' );
in /conf/_basic_config.php.
Worked also for me when I saw white pages in b2evo 1.8.1
Actually i solved the problem by using PHP4 instead of PHP5.
With PHP5, no matter the amount of memory i define, i've got a white screen or an internal server error.
I'm using php4 and had to increase the memory in basic_config as stated above.
I increase till 256M - blanc plugins screen is anyway ...
b2evolution 1.9.2.
tanite this is a forum for bugs in version 1.8.*, but that's not what you're running. Seems to me like you might want to post a new bug report in the appropriate forum?
The reason you're seeing a white screen is that your server is configured to not display PHP errors. When that happens to me it gives an error message that tells what file and what line in that file is causing the problem. Edit your php.ini file to display errors and you'll be able to track down the problem.
It should be no surprise that code from CVS has bugs. You should be using the [url=http://b2evolution.net/news/2006/07/09/b2evolution_1_8_summer_beta_released]beta[/url] if you want something stable.