2 yabba Jan 09, 2008 00:41

Slumps off to a dark corner and frets over a life of repeated omisions. What makes it worse is that it's already a New Year and far too late to make a stiff resolution to change.
That's a start, by page two I may actually feel sorry for yah ...... just kidding, it'll take until page 4 of grovelling :|
Just to reinforce my positive and encouraging reputation :
"seriously mate, FANTASTIC modification of the core plugin, I'm DAMN SURE many users will find it a lifeline. CONGRATULATIONS on not only thinking of it, but coding the solution. YOU ROCK"
Hope yah feel like shit now :|
Nothing doing before next year, at the earliest.
I'll never remember to guilt trip yah by the time next year arrives, I'm a bloody blonde we don't have minds :(
In a huge show of support you will be pleased to know your name now passes my spell checker and looks like it should , thanks to Afwas and his DB magic )
Imagine how much you'll have grovelled by page 4 :D
WTG Afwas we should crown him the king of charset corrections :D .... I hope you gave him some rep points, otherwise yer gonna look uber cheap :|
More and More sites have the EMBED Object code
Is there a way to enabled a free HTML code page button?
Or a way to enable the <object></object><embed></embed> tags?
You can use embed tags anytime.
There s no reason not to apart from the fact embed is deprecated and I just prefer to have pages that have valid code.
is there a certain type of software needed to upload the flash video other than the plug in?
if you read this thread, then you'll may be interested in this one:
Hi d0b3rm4n. So ... if people read this thread they may be very happy with this and see no need for another plugin. Just sayin ;)
Hello all, how do you get the video toolbar to appear in the first part? Is that a download/ plug-in which then also requires a flash plug-in for flash?
Hi Aaron,
If you write a post, click the 'expert' tag and you will find the Video toolbar.
Good luck
this doenst work for vimeo, does it?
The plugin works fine, but I cant get vimeo to work
Nevermind it works now, its just checking the actual link in the embed source code
Hi Jan,
i put in this thread the method for vimeo.
Best regards
Hi John,
I just made a copy of the flash definition and button creation into my videoplugin, but it doesn't work... nothing happens when i click on the flash button. Any idea on this issue, i'am using the 2.4.5 version.
Based on your explanation for break, i have added vimeo which is working well, then i have no idea of the reason why i face this pb with flash.
Thanks and best regards
have you also included the edited javascript?
<script type="text/javascript">
function objecttag( tag )
var object_ID = prompt('<?php echo TS_('Enter the url of your') ?> '+tag+':', '' );
if( ! object_ID )
var object_width = prompt('<?php echo TS_('Enter the width, using px or %, of your') ?> '+tag+':', '' );
var object_height = prompt('<?php echo TS_('Enter the height, using px or %, of your') ?> '+tag+':', '' );
tag = '[object:'+tag+':'+object_ID+' width:'+object_width+' height:'+object_height+']';
textarea_wrap_selection( b2evoCanvas, tag, '', 1 );
function videotag( tag )
var p = '<?php echo TS_('Enter video ID from %s:') ?>';
var video_ID = prompt( p.replace( /%s/, tag ), '' );
if( ! video_ID )
tag = '[video:'+tag+':'+video_ID+']';
textarea_wrap_selection( b2evoCanvas, tag, '', 1 );
Yes yes yes... i didn't see it. I add it and now everything is perfect.
Thanks a lot
Hi there!
Excelent plugin btw! It was what I was looking for. I only have one question: Does anybody knows if it is possible to add some controls as play or pause?
I know I could right click and select play from the menu, but not all the people know this...
thanks in advance...
Hello guys,
1. What's the difference between this one and EdB's super video plugin?
2. How can I incorporate the AM player into it. I already have a bunch of posts with the combined AM-video plugin. I modified the original video plugin thusly (to get it to insert AM audio automatically. I assume that replacing it with this plugin will break it).:
Crack open /plugins/video_plugin/_video.plugin.php and add around line 73:
// music (mp3 etc)
[video:music:(.+?)] $content = preg_replace( '~\~', '<!-- amAudioPlayer \\1 -->', $content );and around line 110:
echo '<input type="button" id="video_music" title="'.T_('Insert music file').'" class="quicktags" onclick="videotag(\'music\');" value="Music" />';
1. There is no difference..EdB simply incorporated this into his rewrite of the Video plugin.
Is there a was to incorporate the music addon so that my links will still work?
Ah sorry 'bout that. I'll get on this after tomorrow's shift at work. (marking for followup...)
I'm anxious to try one of the super plugins, but I can only do it if it doesn't break the AM music player links I've created with the modification above. Is there a way to do this?
nelsonguirado wrote:
but I can only do it if it doesn't break the AM music player links I've created
You should change all the AM links to the new types of links in your database ;)
Hmmm. There are hundreds of such links. If there were some kind of database script perhaps...
Will I have AM audio functionality?
You'd need to merge the AM player into this plugin, but none of it should be to difficult
Can anybody do it for me? Sorry to sound so helpless.
Can anybody help me to add the AM music player to the video plug in so that all of the posts I made with the AM music player-modded video plug in will work? I'd appreciate it very much and, as always, I don't mind helping back in return.
I inserted the code and it worked, including my old AM music player posts, but I didn't notice any difference from the old one.
Is it possible to use this plugin for .swf AND for .flv Movies? They apear very simular and it would be great to know how I could adopt it for pages like xtube.com myself..
You bloody cheapskate, yah never even gave me a single rep point .... I'm gonna add you to my ban list :|
Ohhh, and don't think of donating one now, I'll know it's just a guilt thing.
Mind you, I do have my own tag on your blog ;)
To make you doubly guilty though I'm gonna throw you some vote love for creating your first plugin and continuing your "giving back to the community" path ..... try not to let the guilt weight to heavily on yer shoulders huh?