I am looking for an automated option that will add my blog address on all the posts that have image(s) which are published on my blog, (sorry if you are not clear on my question..... I would like to explain the with a live example).....
The below URL
( http://www.askvg.com/guide-how-to-create-portable-version-of-windows-8-on-usb-drive-using-windows-to-go-feature/ )
has a web post, with two images and these two images have AskVG.com in the image. I am looking very similar to have my blog address on every image that I post to publish.
Is this can be automated ? because it's really pain to edit every image and add the text to it, instead if we have a plug-in or code that can automatically take care of this pain full task.
Is also there any video labeling plug-in or code?
Yes you can use the included watermark plugin.